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Hardware Rating Guide

Overall Rating
Price Paid
Release Date
Purchase Date
Extra Content

Updated: 02/13/06

Overall Rating

This is effectively like a weighted average of the five different categories. Althought one could probably come up with a complex function to calculate this given the ratings of the other five categories, I'm lazy and instead do this by feel. This is basically how strongly I feel about the game and how glad I am to have it in my collection.

80-100% An overall great pick of equipment that is totally worth your money. Items scoring towards the upper end of the spectrum (95-100%) are items that are pretty much required for fun or they are just super cool in general.
60-79% These are okay items. They might be a little gimmicky, but they still justify their existence.
0-59% Absoluely worthless pieces of junk that you're better off without.



This is a measure of how useful the item is.

Absolutely required for fun.
A good item that you'll use a lot, but isn't required.
Kind of a gimmick which you might be able to work into usage.
You'll probably use this once to try it out, then never again.
This is probably better as a paper weight, it probably didn't even make it out of the box.



This category covers how well the item holds up to the test of time and how durable it is.

Super durable. Can widthstand controller throwing fits of rage and frustration.
Pretty good, won't likely break anytime soon.
Fair, mediocre item which is somewhat cheaply made.
Fragile item which should be handled with care.
This needs to be in a protective case or something or else it is likely to shatter.



A "bang-for-your-buck" rating.

A very well made purchase. The most "bang-for-your-buck" that you can get.
Still a great deal.
About average. It would be like paying full retail price for a common item.
Definitely overpriced.
Just throwing money down the toilet.


Price Paid

This denotes how much we paid to acquire this item for the collection. This is the price before tax or shipping and handling. If the item was bought used, it will say so in parenthesis.


Purchase Date

This is the date that the item was acquired into the collection.


Release Date

This is the date that the item was release to retail in the US market.



An item is deemed complete if and only if it is in working order and contains the item and original packaging. If a part is missing, it will say so. For example, if it says, "item only", this means that there is no original packaging.


Extra Content

If this link exists, you can click it to view other information about the item such as more pictures.


Alison Lum Events
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