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Synopsis: Good old fashioned exploration and adventuring. Fight the forces of evil in the quest for the Triforce. Sure to bring back happy nostalgic memories.
Duration of Series: 1987 to present
Systems: NES, SNES, Gameboy, CD-i, Gameboy Advance, Gamecube
# Games 20+ (12 collected)
More Info: Zelda Universe

The Games

Title: The Legend of Zelda
System: Nintendo
Date: 07/01/87

The first game that started it all. This introduces Link, Zelda, and Ganon who are characters which reoccur throughout the series.
Title: The Adventure of Link
System: Nintendo
Date: 12/01/88

As is the case with most sophomore outings, this was considered an outlier in the series as it departs from most of the things that make a Zelda game great. I plays more like a side scrolling adventure rather than a typical Zelda game.
Title: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
System: Super Nintendo
Date: 11/21/92

It took almost 4 years of waiting, but the wait was certainly worth it. This is considered one of the best Zelda games of all times. It contained a light world and a dark work and a great cast of characters and items.
Title: Link: The Faces of Evil
System: CD-i
Date: 10/10/93

One of three horrible CD-i games that were produced using the offical Zelda title. These were actually made by Philips as a result of Nintendo failing to produce a CD add-on to the SNES with Philips. These are considered extreme outliers and usually, people don't even call these Zelda games.
Title: Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
System: CD-i
Date: 10/10/93

Another one of the horrible Zelda games produced by Philips.
Title: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
System: Gameboy
Date: 12/31/93

Title: Zelda's Adventure
System: CD-i
Date: 06/05/94

Another one of the horrible Zelda games produced by Philips.
Title: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
System: Nintendo 64
Date: 11/23/98

This is considered by many (including myself) to be the greatest game of all time bar none. This took the series into the 3 dimensional world with more flair and success than any other game in history.
Title: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
System: Gameboy Color
Date: 12/31/98

This is a remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening except this is in color.
Title: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
System: Nintendo 64
Date: 10/26/00

An excellent "sequel" to Ocarina of Time. This allows Link to wear different masks in order to acquire different powers to solve puzzles.
Title: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
System: Gameboy Color
Date: 05/14/01

Title: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
System: Gameboy Color
Date: 05/14/01

Title: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
System: Gameboy Advance
Date: 12/02/02

Title: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest
System: Gamecube
Date: 02/18/03

This was a promotional disc that included both the Ocarina of Time and a never released version of the same game. You could only get this through a Nintendo Power subscription.
Title: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
System: Gamecube
Date: 03/25/03

Title: The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition
System: Gamecube
Date: 11/24/03

Another promotional item.
Title: The Legend of Zelda: Classic NES Series
System: Gameboy Advance
Date: 06/07/04

Title: The Legend of Zelda: Classic NES Series: Zelda 2
System: Gameboy Advance
Date: 10/25/04

Title: The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure
System: Gamecube
Date: 06/07/04

Title: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
System: Gameboy Advance
Date: 01/10/05

Alison Lum Events
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