This is a collaboration between our lab and the Cui lab in DEOHS. Check out the paper here:
Category Archives: Publications
Ryan Nguyen’s paper on the development and application of a multidimensional database of QACs and their metabolites was published in ES&T!
In this work, we developed a multidimensional database of QACs and QAC metabolites made of retention time, m/z, collision cross section, and MS/MS fragmentation and used it to identify these compounds in human fecal samples. Congratulations, Ryan N. and team! Check out the paper here.
Our collaborative paper with the Wang Lab on the transport of benzalkonium chlorides (BACs) by OCTs and hMATEs was published in Drug Metabolism and Disposition!
Congratulations to Dr. Vieira in the Joanne Wang’s Lab in the Department of Pharmaceutics and Dr. Ryan Seguin in our lab! We found that short-chain (C8 and C10) BACs are substrates of OCTs and hMATES while all BACs are inhibitors of these transporters using metformin as the probe substrate. Check out the paper here.
Emily’s paper on factors affecting the utilization of exogenous fatty acids by S. aureus was published in mSphere!
Congratulations to Emily, Rutan, Dylan and coauthors! Check out the paper here.
The perspective authored by Quynh and Libin on how different lipid peroxidation mechanisms contribute differently to ferroptosis was published in Cell Reports Physical Science!
Check out the paper here.
Rutan’s paper on high-throughput lipidomics was published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry!
Congrats to Rutan and coauthors! Check out the paper here!
Our paper led by Noelle on isotope tracing of arachidonic acid was published in JASMS!
Congrats, Noelle and Team! Check out the paper here.
Ryan Seguin and Libin co-authored review on QACs published in Environmental Science and Technology!
This is a landmark review on the widely used antimicrobials, quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs)! Check it out here.
Quynh’s paper on lipid peroxidation mechanisms and ferroptosis published in JACS Au!
This paper aims to understand the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying the different potency of conjugated and nonconjugated polyunsaturated fatty acids in inducing ferroptosis. Check out the paper here.
Our paper on the role of 7-dehydrocholesterol-derived oxysterols in SLOS neurogenesis published in eLife!
Congratulations to Dr. Hideaki Tomita and coauthors! In this work, we investigated the impact of defective cholesterol biosynthesis at the step of DHCR7 on embryonic neurogenesis, the underlying mechanisms, and ways to rescue the neurogenesis phenotypes. Check out the paper here!