Research Funding

Below is a list of organizations that have funded my research, including individual research grants, collaborative research grants, and grants related to the Center of an Informed Public.

emCOMP Lab Research

National Science Foundation, $440,216 (of $2,250,000), PI, Collaborative Research: SaTC: Core: Large: Building Rapid-Response Frameworks for Mitigating Online Disinformation (2021-2026)

National Science Foundation, $50,000 (of $197,500), Co-PI, RAPID: How Scientific Data, Knowledge, and Expertise Mobilize in Online Media during the COVID-19 Crisis (2020-2021)

Social Science One, $50,000, PI, Using Facebook engagements to assess how information operations micro-target online audiences using “alternative” new media. (2020-2022)

National Science Foundation, $550,000, PI, CAREER Grant: Unraveling Online Disinformation Trajectories: Applying and Translating a Mixed-Method Approach to Identify, Understand and Communicate Information Provenance (2018-2023)

Office of Naval Research, $95,110 (of $196,341), Co-Investigator, Multimodal Analysis of Social Media to Detect Strategic Campaign Trends (2018-2019)

National Science Foundation, $465,555, PI, CMMI: Collaborative Research: CRISP Type 2: Defining and Optimizing Societal Objectives for the Earthquake Risk Management of Critical Infrastructure (2017-2023)

National Science Foundation, $294,318 (of $494,188), Co-PI, IIS: CHS: Small: Tracking and Unpacking Rumor Permutations to Understand Collective Sensemaking Online (2017-2021)

Office of Naval Research, $75,000, PI, Understanding the Structure and Dynamics of Disinformation in the Online Information (2017)

National Science Foundation, $267,015 (of $467,629), Co-PI, IIS: CHS: Small: Detecting Misinformation Flows in Social Media Spaces During Crisis Events (2014-2016)

National Science Foundation, $35,000 (of $72,879), Co-PI, Social Media: Learning from the Boston Marathon Bombing (2013-2014)

NOAA/CRRC, $30,000 (of $180,000), Investigator, Response Risk Communication Tools for Dispersants and Oil Spills (2012-2014)

Center for an Informed Public

Election Trust Initiative, Funding to support Election Integrity Partnership 2022, ($1,200,000), PI, (2022-2023)

Microsoft, ($250,000), Gift Funding to support rapid response research to disinformation around U.S. elections, PI, (2022-2023)

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, ($600,000), Center for an Informed Public, Co-PI, (2022-2023)

Omidyar Foundation, ($68,000), Omidyar Election Integrity Project, Co-PI, (2020-2021)

Craig Newmark Philanthropies, ($1,000,000), Gift Funding for Election Integrity Partnership, PI, (2021-2024)

Knight Foundation, ($5,000,000), Center for an Informed Public, Co-PI, (2019-2024)

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, ($600,000), Center for an Informed Public, Co-PI, (2019-2022)

© Kate Starbird 2022