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Screening: T, 12:30-3:20
Class: Th, 12:30-2:20
Room: CMU 120

Kimberlee Gillis-Bridges
Padelford A-305

and by appointment

Last Updated: 2/15/02
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Title Image--Handouts

In the Park

Note the shifts in the camera's position as Casper moves along the line of kids.  To view the entire sequence, click here (Real Media format; to download RealPlayer, go to and select the free player option).
The Greeting Begins
As the scene begins, Casper moves to the left as he greets his friends. We see the right side of his face.
Casper Moves Down the Line
Casper continues to move down the line to the left as the camera tracks his movement. The camera is to Casper's right.
Cut to the Other Side
Cut--the camera is positioned to Casper's left.  We now see the left side of his face, and he has receded in space.
Greeting Continues from Other Side
Casper moves toward the camera as he continues to greet his friends.
Cut to Back of Head
Cut back to original camera position.  We see friends greeting Casper, then Casper, who turns away from the camera. We again see the right side of his face.

Telly and Girl #1
Scene Begins with Telly to Left
Closeup of couple kissing cuts to this medium shot of the pair, with Telly to the left.  The 180-degree line is along the length of the bed.
Cut Across 180 Line--Telly to Right
Cut across the 180-degree line to closeup of Telly's midriff.  He is now to the right of the frame.
Movement Up to Faces
Camera moves up to closeup of couple's faces.
Cut Back Across the Line
Cut back across the 180-degree line; Telly is on the left of the frame again.


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