You will write two
four-page essays on assigned topics. I require two drafts of
each essay; the second draft receives a grade.
The course reader and I will give feedback on first drafts, and we will
be available to discuss drafts during office hours. Please submit
essays on 8" by 11" paper, paginated, typed and double-spaced, with one-inch
margins. When citing sources, use the MLA
documentation style.
Failure to submit a first draft
of each essay will result in a .5 deduction in the final grade for the
essay. Late final drafts will receive a .3 grade deduction per day
late, including weekends and holidays.
Electronic Discussion
In addition to formal written
assignments, you will use the class discussion board
to post two responses to each film or reading. To facilitate discussion,
I will post questions to which I want you to respond. Your first
posting on a particular film should address one of my questions; the second
should respond to classmates’ postings. Postings should be two paragraphs
to one page in length. The electronic discussion site allows us to
extend class discussion and to raise issues for in-class discussions.
Your postings will be graded on a credit/no
credit basis.
To keep the discussion
board manageable, I have divided the class into four groups as follows:
Group One: Students with
last names A through C
Group Two: Students with
last names D-J
Group Three: Students with
last names K-R
Group Four: Students with
last names S-Z
Clip Analysis Exam
During the third week of the
term, you will have a short clip analysis exam. I will show short
clips from class films, and you will write a brief analysis of the cinematic
techniques used in the clip.
Participation and Attendance
Students should come prepared
for each class session, with assigned reading completed. I expect
prompt, regular attendance and active participation in discussions of readings
and films. To encourage participation, I will call on students and
lead the class in frequent small-group discussion activities.
Plagiarism Policy
In your electronic postings
and essays, you may draw upon the ideas and words of other writers.
However, you must make clear to your audience that you are incorporating
another’s work by placing quotation marks around exact words and citing
the author’s name whenever you quote, summarize or paraphrase. Failure
to credit sources may result in a failing grade for the assignment, a failing
grade for the course, or expulsion from the university.