Historical ADCP work in the Solomon Sea

For current glider information go to the glider main page. Especially see the link there to the page for current (cross-Solomon Sea) glider missions. This page is for prep work only.

  1. Bathymetry maps and calculations
    1. Bathymetry of the Solomon Sea
    2. Detail of Trobriand-Woodlark ridge (showing sill section)
    3. Sill depths along the ridge    Running area of the straits

  2. Pre-existing ADCP sections (from the Firing SADCP website)
    1. Franklin 1991: Track    30m vectors   150m vectors
    2. Franklin 1992: Track    30m vectors    150m vectors
    3. Franklin 1993: 30m vectors    150m vectors
    4. Kilo Moana: 2004a    2004b    2004c    2004d
    5. WEPOCS: T.G.Thompson 1985   1986 Moana Wave (see below)
    6. Moana Wave 1993: Milne Bay, see below

  3. Cruise MW9304 (a dense set of Moana Wave sections in Milne Bay)
    1. Cruisetrack (dots show 50s and 100s)   
      Extracting/constructing the Milne Bay region from the full cruise   
      Final region (dots show 50s and 100s)
    2. Milne Bay velocities:
      1. Block vectors (scale by area)    B/W
      2. Stick vectors (scale by length)    B/W    Blue    Gaussian grid
      3. Velocity magnitude as a function of depth
      4. Map of magnitude of 0-200m average current
      5. Velocity level by level:  
        40-60m    90-110m    140-160m    190-210m    190-210m minus 100m
      6. Zonal transport (int in y each line)    (From Gaussian gridding)

  4. Cruise WEPOCS2 (UH186 section from Bougainville to Kiriwina, Jan 1986)
    Note that this cruise had 3 duplicate stations, one shallow, one deep (to bottom). That makes a bad plot (T and S sections), but was removed from the u_g plot.
    1. Section map on bathymetry with vertical-average ug and uADCP
    2. T and S sections: 0-1000m   0-2500m
    3. u_g section
    4. ADCP: Section of u,v,crosstrack (Compare crosstrack to u_g)
      Vector section (u,v(y,z))

  5. Cruise WEPOCS1 (same section, Jun-Jul 1985)
    1. ADCP: Section of u,v,crosstrack (200m)   400m to compare WEPOCS2
      Vector section: WEPOCS1   Overlay WEPOCS1 and 2

horizontal black line
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7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle WA 98115 USA
Tel:   206-526-6221
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E-mail:  william.s.kessler@noaa.gov
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