LIS521 Janes

Spring 2010


Group Works

Project Reference Task 2



Much information-service work these days is done via some sort of networked mediation, using email, chat, instant messaging, text, cell phones, mobile devices, you name it.  There are inherent advantages and disadvantages to this; while it may seem somewhat impersonal, there is also now the opportunity to reach people more quickly, effectively, and broadly.  In particular, using digital means to assist a client with a request or need may also allow the crafty professional to squeeze a little something more, like an interview, some quick instruction or ideas for further investigation, for example.


So for your second task, you first are to identify a Wikipedia article—something substantive and topical (not too brief, not a list of facts, for example), perhaps about the rough equivalent of a printed page or 2, enough to get your teeth into without being overwhelming, in an area you have some knowledge or expertise with, and that you might consider suggesting to a client with an information need in that area. 


Then you are to tweet an evaluation of this Wikipedia article for that potential client and need.  This evaluation should help your client to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the article for that need, along with any highlights, special features, difficulties, errors, etc., that might exist.  You are limited to 4 tweets; each tweet may be, obviously, no more than 140 characters in length, including spaces.


What you say in those tweets is up to you, and can use any supporting material you wish.  You should submit a Word document giving a quick description of the client, the information need, and the URL for the Wikipedia article, followed by the tweets, in the order you would send them.  Your work will be assessed on its thoroughness, appropriateness for the audience and need and for the Twitterverse, the criteria and sources you use for the evaluation, novelty, creativity, originality, along with the overall quality of presentation.


This task is due at 8:30am on May 13.  Please use this Catalyst dropbox for your submissions.