University of Washington
Geography 207
Professor Harrington
Transportation Analysis

The essential fact of economic geography is the need to overcome distance in order to sustain economic activity.
Relevant factors of production (workers, materials, equipment) are seldom in exactly the same place, and centralized production is only possible if there is a distribution system to get goods to their markets (or to get clients to the services).
Thus, transportation is required to make an economy run.  This lecture will address three questions:
1) How does transportation “work”?
2) How does transportation affect competition?
3) How can we describe transportation modes and systems?


Economically, the basic modes of transportation (ship, rail, truck, pipeline, air) are distinguished according to three factors:

Speed is a function of the mode of transportation and the congestion of the particular system.
The importance of speed depends on the opportunity cost of the time spent in transit. The fixed costs are the capital costs for investing in
  • the transport equipment [the vessels that hold the cargo or people to be transported;  the relevant cost is the cost of a vessel divided by the amount of cargo or people it can carry],
  • the terminal facilities [the fixed facility or infrastructure that is required to allow docking and loading/unloading of the people and cargo], and
  • the right of way [the surface upon which the transport occurs;  the costs include any land acquisition, grading, dredging, construction, and maintenance of that surface].  High right-of-way costs make flexible routing very expensive, so routes are quite limited.
  • The variable costs are the energy, labor, and other operating costs.  Transport entails expending energy per unit of weight per unit of distance.  Physically, the faster the transport, the higher the marginal energy costs per unit of weight-distance (e.g., ton-miles).  The smaller the individual unit, the more expensive the labor costs per unit of weight.  Up to a capacity constraint, there’s a tremendous increase in the variable costs as a function of weight- distance as you go from These characteristics are encapsulated in the typical freight-rate schedule, which is stepped as shown in Figure 4.4 in the S&deS text.
    The texts distinguish between “terminal” (fixed) and “line-haul” (variable) costs.
    [see S&deS Figure 4.1]
    [see S&deS Figure 4.2,  Hamink Fig. 6.8:  comparison among modes]

    Curvilinear freight rates
    Because the fixed costs are incurred regardless of how heavy or distant the shipment, longer or heavier shipments have to bear less of these fixed costs per ton-mile.  For most modes and shipments, the cost of transportation per ton-mile falls as a shipment is heavier and/or is shipped a longer distance.  Another way to say the same thing is that transportation costs increase with weight and distance carried, but at a declining rate.

    As a result, transport pricing schedules (price charged to the client, as a function of distance or weight of the shipment) are often stepped or curvilinear:  the price charged rises with distance and weight, but at a declining rate of increase.


    See Hanink Fig. 6.11 & 6.12;  S&deS Fig. 4.11 - 4.13, showing delivered cost as a function of production costs, terminal costs, and line-haul costs (transparencies shown in class).  If the products of the two producers are identical, the division of the market between the producers is determined by the intersection of the delivered-cost curves:  you’ll procure the product from the nearest producer.  Even the producer with higher production costs will have some market.

    This analysis assumed that the purchaser pays the cost of transport.  For bulky, commodity items, this is often the case.

    However, for consumer goods, the producer generally pays the cost of transport, folding it into the wholesale price.

    Note that the text books do not make the distinction between CIF and uniform-delivered pricing.


    Since the purpose of a transportation system is to connect points, we can compare very different transport systems by comparing how completely they connect points.

    See S&deS Figures 4.15 & 4.16 (transparencies shown in class).  The top figure (a) shows a “map” of a transport system, e.g., a road system.  We can draw a schematic diagram of this map, (b), in which each place (each possible origin or destination) is called a vertex and each connection (direct link) is called an edge.

    We can define a variable beta, that describes the number of connections, or edges, per points, or vertices:  b = e/v
    Figure 4.16 shows how b increases as the connectivity of the system increases.

    Note that beta is not accurately described as a index, as it can easily have values greater than 1.0.   A better measure would vary from 0 to 1.0, so that when we knew the value, we would know just how well-served the system was by edges (e.g., roads).  The gamma index is the ratio between the actual number of edges and the maximum number of edges:

    gamma = e / 3(v - 2)

    The formula above is for a planar network:  a network in which any intersection of edges creates a vertex (like in a basic road system;  all the roads are in the same plane).

    For a nonplanar network (such as an airline system, or perhaps a system of limited-access highways), in which we edges or routes don't intersect unless we make them intersect and create a vertex,

    gamma = 2e / v(v - 1)

    We can also compare the connection by looking at the degree of duplication of possible routes.  S&deS Figure 4.19 (transparency shown in class) shows five network graphs, each with five vertices.

    A note on accessibility:  We made use of the concept of accessibility when we developed a model of urban land use, but we did not define the concept.  If we imagine a matrix in which each row is a vertex (a "node") that is an origin and each column is a vertex that is a destination, the cell entries might be a "0" if there is no direct edge ("link" or "nonstop route") between the origin and destination, and a "1" if there is such an edge.  The column (or row) sums would be a measure of the accessibility of each vertex. 
    In this table, D is the most accessible vertex, and E is the least accessible vertex. 

    copyright James W. Harrington, Jr.
    revised 15 April 2000