

To be considered for participation in the GIS paper competition, an extended abstract must be submitted (about 1000 words). Electronic submission of the extended abstracts is encouraged (in Microsoft Word format, with 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and single-spaced lines). Applicants must clearly indicate that they wish to be considered for the GISSG Student Paper Competition. All submissions not accepted for the competition by the awards committee will be incorporated into the AAG meeting program in other sessions.

Applicants must also submit an AAG participant number which is issued when successfully registering for the AAG meeting (in other words, you must register for the AAG meeting and submit a short abstract using the AAG's registration website, before submitting your longer abstract to the GISSG competition). For detailed instructions on how to acquire a participant number for the annual meeting, see the AAG web page. The extended abstract and participant code are due to the GISSG Academic Councilor by October 25, 2010. Please send abstracts via email as an attachment (Microsoft Word or PDF).

Application Guidelines
Guidelines for Papers
Contact Info
Past Award Recipients