University Of Washington, Tacoma




TESC 141 General Chemistry I

This course is the first of a series of introductory courses designed to provide students with the fundamental principles of chemistry.  Topics such as components of matter, stoichiometry, gas behavior, chemical reactions and equilibrium are discussed in detail. Students taking this course will gain a solid foundation in chemistry that will aid in further studies in environmental, health and physical sciences.  This course will help students develop and improve their problem solving skills, provide an introduction to scientific writing and practice basic laboratory techniques.

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TESC 151 General Chemistry IIal Chemistry II
This course is the second of a series of introductory courses designed to provide students with the fundamental principles of chemistry.  Students will learn topics such as thermochemistry, electrochemistry, kinetics and quantum theory.  Students will continue to develop critical problem solving skills as well as build on laboratory techniques learned in TESC 141.

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TESC 161 General Chemistry III

This course is the third of a series of introductory courses designed to provide students with the fundamental principles of chemistry.  Topics such as, chemical models, bonding, intermolecular forces and an introduction to organic chemistry are covered.  Unlike TESC 141 and 151, there is slightly less emphasis on numerical problem solving, however there is more emphasis on ideas.  Students will develop qualitative reasoning skills to explain chemical and biological processes.  

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TESC 333 Environmental Chemistry

Explores basic aquatic environmental chemistry, emphasizing practical applications and real-world problem solving. Includes coverage of acid/base reactions, gas exchange, alkalinity, and reduction/oxidation reactions through lectures, field and laboratory-based exercises, and student research presentations.

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