Electronic Communication Links for BCUSP 162, Spring 2010


U-Mail Form.  Allows anonymous or identified e-mail to Dr. Jackels.

E-Mail.  You will need a UW student e-mail account of the form uwnetID@u.washington.edu.  You are responsible for reading this e-mail at least once each day.  You may set it up to forward to some other e-mail service; it is your responsibility to make the forwarding to that service perform properly.  The best place to start is from your MyUW page.  An e-mail help page  is also available.

Class ListProc  E-mail messages sent here are distributed to the entire class.

Class Bulletin Board is a web-based Go-Post message board.  You will access this message board with your UW Net ID.  Instructions for use of E-Post can be found on line.   When you have opened the message board, you will find a "configure" option on the top margin.  Click on it and you will be able to specify a notification procedure for postings. 
Electronic document turn-in area.

1) Homeworks or