Electronic Communication Links for BCUSP 125, Spring 2007


U-Mail Form.  Allows anonymous or identified e-mail to Dr. Jackels.

E-Mail.  You will need a UW student e-mail account of the form uwnetID@u.washington.edu.  You are responsible for reading this e-mail at least once each day.  You may set it up to forward to some other e-mail service; it is your responsibility to make the forwarding to that service perform properly.  The best place to start is from your MyUW page.  An e-mail help page  is also available.

Class ListProc  E-mail messages sent here are distributed to the entire class.

Class Bulletin Board is a web-based Go-Post message board.  After loging in, you will find a "profile" link on the GoPost page.  You can set your personal profile for the board at that link, including whether or not you wish to be notified when postings are made.  You will access this message board with your UW Net ID. 
Electronic document turn-in area.
  This is the E-Submit site to turn in electronic assignments.  Student instructions for E-Submit are found on-line.