Sentence-Level Typing


Homepage Settings for Japanese Typing Hiragana Typing Katakana Typing Kanji Typing Sentence-level Typing

Character Charts

*Hover on chart to expand character*

Typing Methods

1. Include punctuation (e.g., 。 、) and brackets (e.g., 「 」) if necessary. Hit a period ( . ) for (。)and brackets ( [ ] ) for ( 「 」 ).
2. To include capital English letters in a Japanese sentence, hold shift while typing.
3. After typing a short clause or sentence, try to hit the space bar to convert into right characters and to hit enter to determine the characters. See step 4 in the 'Kanji' tab for more details. Because the computer does not always convert into right characters automatically, it would be easier for you to check the conversion and fix the converted characters before a sentence becomes overly long.

Typing Practices

I. Type the following words. Do not place any extra space at the end.

(1) 今月は飲みすぎたので、お金がありません。
(2) つかれているけど、仕事に行かなくちゃいけない。
(3) きのう、新しいCDをもらったんです。
(4) 「午後から雨でしょう。」と言っていました。
(5) 母は、「うん、だいじょうぶ。」とこたえた。

II. Listen and type the following words and phrases. (No commas needed for these, only periods at end of sentences.)
