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The Information School

University of Washington

INFO 414






Working in pairs, select a question to be answered using the resources in the library. One person in each pair will do the searching while the other person records the search process.


The searcher must verbalise every step in the process. The focus of this activity is not on finding an answer but on observing information searching and comparing this with models of the searching process that students have encountered in previous Information Behaviour course. If the answer to the question is found quickly, please select another question to work with.





1.                  What is the density of Cesium iodide?


2.                  Who are the major proponents of Neo Kantianism?


3.                  On what day and year was the Treaty of Waitangi signed?


4.                  Who are the principle characters in the novel Therese by Francois Mauriac?


5.                   What is chromosome mapping?


6.                   Who is Hermes and what did he do?


7.                  How many universities are there in New Zealand? How many students are there in New Zealand universities?


8.                   What is vertical integration?


9.                   What were the greatest influences on the English novelist Olivia Manning’s work?


10.                When should cardiopulmonary resuscitation be used?


11.               What did the Lombards do?


12.               What famed orator wrote a biography (My Bonded and My Freedom) in 1665 on the subject of Black America?


13.               What did the Branch Davidian flag look like?


14.               What were Microsoft’s operating expenses for 1992?


15.               Who said, “I was no Marie Antoinette.  I was not born to nobility, but I had a human right to nobility.”


16.               What was in the potion that Juliet drank in Romeo and Juliet?


17.               Where are some reviews of the musical Chess (it opened on Broadway in the 1980’s)?


18.               What are some examples of literature (poetry, writing) by a person with a disability?


19.               What is an example of an account of Russian travels in England in the 1600’s?


20.               What is the significance of the year 1929 in British history?


21.               What are the most recent encyclopaedias in Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic?


22.                Can you find a table by country of dual citizenship?


23.                How did Boeing affect the culture of the Pacific Northwest during the Cold War (1950-1980)?


24.                Who painted the “Yellow Christ”?


25.               What is the origin of this piece of poetry: “O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth…”


26.                What was the Pulitzer Prize winning novel of 1930?


27.                How much does an assay ton weigh?


28.               What is the translation of this phrase from a Christmas card from Hawaii, “Hauoli makahiki hou”?