Physics 485: Senior Honors Seminar Fall 2016



Every student will be expected to do the following:
  1. Propose a topic with a one paragraph abstract, and a list of resources to be used in the research.
  2. Give a presentation to the class on the topic
  3. Submit a paper on the topic by the 8th week of class on the topic
  4. Attend most of the other student's presentations and participate with questions and discussion

Course Grade

Course grade will be based on the following:


Proposal: 5
Source Selection: 5


Slide Preview: 5
Technical content: 20
Slide quality: 5
Structure: 5
Delivery: 5
Questions and discussion: 10


In-class discussion: 20
Questions to speakers: 20


Draft: 5
Breadth: 5
Depth: 5
Technical content: 20
Structure: 5
Writing quality: 5

75% corresponds to a grade of 3.5. A grade of 0.0 will be given to anyone who does not complete the in-class presentation or turn in the paper. There is no final exam.