Martha Jane Groom
Curriculum Vitae
Associate Professor & Associate Director |
Adjunct Associate Professor |
Married to UW Biological Oceanographer, Daniel Grünbaum
Two children: Maks & Sam Groom, birthdate 16 December 2001.
- Ph.D.
- University of Washington, Zoology, concentration in Conservation Biology, June 1995. Dissertation: “Effects of Isolation and Patch Size on the Population Dynamics of an Annual Herb, Clarkia concinna.” Major advisor: Peter Kareiva.
- M.S.
- University of Florida, Zoology, minor in Tropical Conservation, 1989. Thesis: “Parasitism of the anti-predator behavior of three tropical beach nesting bird species.” Major Advisor: Peter Feinsinger.
- A.B.
- Princeton University, Dual Degree in Biology & Public and International Affairs, 1984.
- Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, University of Washington, Bothell, and Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle (Sept 16, 2000 – present, Assistant Professor Sept 16, 1998-Sept 15, 2000).
- Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology North Carolina State University (July 1, 1995-June, 1998). Associate Faculty, Department of Botany, Program in Biomathematics, and Program in Wildlife and Fisheries Science. Promoted to Associate Professor on July 1, 1998. Continued as Adjunct Associate Professor 1998-2005.
- Co-coordinator, Organization for Tropical Studies, Costa Rica, Tropical Biodiversity, 8/95.
- Faculty, Mountain Lake Biological Station, VA, Conservation Biology, 7/95; 6-7/96.
- Visiting Lecturer, UC Davis, General Ecology, 9/94-12/94.
- Visiting Faculty, Organization for Tropical Studies, Costa Rica, Tropical Biology 93-3, 7/93.
TEXTBOOK: Groom, M.J., Meffe, G.K. and R.C. Carroll, and contributing authors. 2006. Principles of Conservation Biology, 3rd Edition. Sinauer Associates: Sunderland, MA. 793 pages. I am an author on 12 of 18 chapters. I led total revision of content and was responsible for ~90% of editing. I also prepared an instructor resource CD and a companion webpage ( with numerous suggested exercises and linked essays. The book has sold >10,000 copies as of April 2007. In addition, the editors sponsored the distribution of 500 free copies to third-world libraries, students from developing countries, and third-world conservation organizations. We also dedicated one-fifth of our share of the royalties to several conservation organizations.
Textbook contributions as author:
- Chapter 1. What Is Conservation Biology? G.K. Meffe, C.R. Carroll, and M.J. Groom, pp. 1-25.
- Chapter 2. Global Biodiversity. G.H. Orians and M.J. Groom, pp. 27-62.
- Chapter 3. Threats to Biodiversity. M.J. Groom, pp. 63- 92, 108-110.
- Chapter 6. Habitat Degradation and Loss. M.J. Groom and C.H. Vynne, pp. 173-202, 211-212.
- Chapter 7. Habitat Fragmentation. R.F. Noss, B. Csuti, and M.J. Groom, pp. 213-240, 250-252.
- Chapter 11. Conservation Genetics. K.T. Scribner, G.K. Meffe, and M.J. Groom, pp. 375-403, 414-416.
- Chapter 12. Species and Landscape Approaches to Conservation. J.B. Dunning, M.J. Groom, and H.R. Pulliam, 419-446, 464-466.
- Chapter 13. Ecosystem Approaches to Conservation. G.K. Meffe, M.J. Groom, and C.R. Carroll, pp. 467- 489, 507-508.
- Chapter 15. Restoration of Damaged Ecosystems and Endangered Populations. P.L. Fiedler and M.J. Groom, pp. 553- 571, 589-590.
- Chapter 16. Sustainable Development. C.R. Carroll and M.J. Groom, pp. 591-598, 622-624.
- Chapter 17. The Integration of Conservation Science and Policy. D.M. Brosnan and M.J. Groom, pp. 625-644, 658-660.
- Chapter 18. Meeting Conservation Challenges in the Twenty-First Century. M.J. Groom, C.R. Carroll and G.K. Meffe, pp. 661-687, 698-699.
- Essay 12.3. Ecologically functional populations. T. O’Brien, M. Kinnaird, M.J. Groom, and P. Coppolillo, pp. 435-438.
- Case Study 15.5. In the eye of the hurricane: efforts to save the Puerto Rican Parrot. J.A. Collazo, M.J. Groom, S.M. Haig, T.H. White, and B.D. Muizniecks, pp. 586-589.
- Miller, J.R., M.J. Groom, G.R. Hess, D.L. Stokes, T.A. Steelman, J.A. Thompson, T. Bowman, L. Fricke, B. King, R. Marquadt. Where is biodiversity in local conservation planning? In press with Conservation Biology.
- Groom, M.J., E.A. Gray, and P.A. Townsend. Biofuels and Biodiversity: Principles for promoting better biofuels policies. 2008. Published Early On-Line on 8 February 2008 in Conservation Biology.
- Inman, F.M., T.R. Wentworth, M.J. Groom, C. Brownie, and R. Lea. 2007. Using artificial canopy gaps to restore avian habitat in tropical timber plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 243:169-177.
- Gold, W., K. Ewing, J. Banks, M. Groom, T. Hinckley, D. Secord, and D. Shebitz. 2006. Collaborative Ecological Restoration. Science 312:1880-1881.
- Gleffe, J.D., J.A. Collazo, M.J. Groom, and L. Miranda-Castro. 2006. Avian reproduction and the conservation value of shaded coffee plantations. Neotropical Ornithology 17:271-282.
- Borkhataria, R., J.A. Collazo and M.J. Groom. 2006. Additive effects of vertebrate predators on insects in a Puerto Rican coffee plantation. Ecological Applications 16 (2): 696-703.
- Saracco, J.F., J.A. Collazo, M.J. Groom and T.A. Carlo. 2005. Crop size and fruit neighborhood effects on bird visitation to fruiting trees. Biotropica 37:81-87.
- Carlo, T.A., J.A. Collazo, and M.J. Groom. 2004. Influences of fruit diversity and abundance on bird use of two shaded coffee plantations. Biotropica 36:602-614.
- Austin, S., S. Wyllie-Escheverria, and M.J. Groom. 2004. A comparative analysis of submarine cable installation methods in northern Puget Sound, Washington. Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering 7: 173-184. This paper grew out of Shaun Austin’s senior thesis, which I supervised.
- Saracco, J.F., J.A. Collazo, and M.J. Groom. 2004. How do frugivores track resources? Insights from spatial analyses of bird foraging in a Puerto Rican forest. Oecologia 139:235-245.
- Aragón, M.R. and M.J. Groom. 2003. Invasion by Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae) in NW Argentina: early stage characteristics and habitat types. Revista de Biología Tropical 51: 59-70.
- Carlo, T.A., J.A. Collazo, and M.J. Groom. 2003. Avian fruit preferences across a Puerto Rican forested landscape: pattern consistency and implications for seed removal. Oecologia 134:119–131.
- *Groom, M.J. 2001. Consequences of subpopulation isolation for pollination, herbivory, and population growth in Clarkia concinna concinna (Onagraceae). Biological Conservation 100 (1): 55-63.
- *Watchman, L.H., M. Groom, and J.D. Perrine. 2001. Science and uncertainty in habitat conservation planning. American Scientist 89(4): 351-359.
- Harding, E.K., E.E. Crone, B.D. Elderd, J.M. Hoekstra, A.J. McKerrow, J.D. Perrine, J. Regetz, L.J. Rissler, A.G. Stanley, E.L. Walters, and the NCEAS Habitat Conservation Plan Working Group*. 2001. The scientific foundations of habitat conservation plans: a quantitative assessment. Conservation Biology 15(2): 488-500. *I was a senior member of this working group.
- Davis, M.B., T.R. Simons, M.J. Groom, J.L. Weaver, and J.R. Cordes. 2001. The breeding status of the American Oystercatcher on the east coast of North America and breeding success in North Carolina. Waterbirds 24 (2): 195-220
- *Groom, M.J. and T.E. Preuninger. 2000. Inbreeding depression is not diminished in isolated subpopulations of Clarkia concinna concinna (Onagraceae). Evolutionary Ecology 14 (3): 155-180.
- Groom, M.J. 2000. Patterns in the regeneration of Lauraceous trees in abandoned pastures. Pp. 442-446 in Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest, (N. Nadkarni and N.T. Wheelwright, eds). Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Groom, M.J., D.B. Jenson, R.L. Knight, S. Gatewood, L. Mills, D. Boyd-Heger, L.S. Mills, and M.E. Soulé. 1999. Buffer zones: benefits and dangers of compatible stewardship. Pp. 171-197 in Continental Conservation: Scientific Foundations of Regional Reserve Networks, (M.E. Soulé & J. Terborgh, eds.). Island Press, Covelo, CA.
- Simberloff, D.J., D. Doak, M. Groom, S. Trombulak, A. Dobson, S. Gatewood, M.E. Soulé and M.E. Gilpin. 1999. Regional and Continental restoration. Pp. 65-98 in Continental Conservation: Scientific Foundations of Regional Reserve Networks, (M.E. Soulé & J. Terborgh, eds.). Island Press, Covelo, CA.
- Kareiva, P., S. Andelman, D. Doak, B. Elderd, M. Groom, J. Hoekstra, L. Hood, F. James, J. Lamoreux, G. LeBuhn, C. McCulloch, J. Regetz, L. Savage, M. Ruckelshaus, D. Skelly, H. Wilbur, and K. Zamudio. 1999. Using Science in Habitat Conservation Plans. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis & Am. Inst. Biol. Sci. 93 pp.
- Groom, M.J. 1998. Allee effects limit population viability of an annual plant. American Naturalist 151:487-496.
- Groom, M.J. and M.A. Pascual. 1997. The analysis of population persistence: an outlook on the practice of viability analysis. Pp. 3-33 in Conservation Biology for the Coming Decade, (P.L. Fiedler and P.M. Kareiva eds.), Chapman and Hall, New York.
- Ruesink, J.L., I.M. Parker, M.J. Groom, and P. Kareiva. 1995. Reducing the risks of non-indigenous species introductions: guilty until proven innocent. BioScience 45:465-477.
- Groom, M.J. and N. Schumaker. 1993. Evaluating landscape change: the dimensions of deforestation and habitat fragmentation. Pp 24-44 in Biotic Interactions and Global Change, (P. Kareiva, J. Kingsolver, and R. Huey, eds.). Sinauer, Sunderland, MA.
- Groom, M.J. 1992. Sand-colored nighthawks parasitize the anti-predator behavior of three bird species. Ecology 73: 785-793.
- Groom, M.J. 1992. Ecotourism in Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru: mitigating negative impacts on riverine species. Pp. 532-539 in Ecotourism and Resource Conservation (J. Kusler, ed.). Association of Wetland Managers, Berne, NY.
- Kareiva, P., M. Groom, I. Parker, and J. Ruesink. 1991. Risk analysis as a tool for making decisions about the introduction of non-indigenous species into the United States. Office of Technology Assessment, Washington DC. 189 pp.
- Groom, M.J., R.D. Podolsky, and C.A. Munn. 1991. Tourism as a sustained use of wildlife: a case-study from southeastern Perú. Pp. 393-412 in Neotropical Wildlife Use and Conservation (J.G. Robinson and K. H. Redford, eds.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago. N.b. This paper was reprinted as Chapter 17 in an anthology, Preserving Wildlife: an international perspective, edited by M.A. Michael, published by Humanity Books in 1999.
Papers in Review
- Thompson, J.A., G.R. Hess, T.A. Bowman, H. Magnusdottir, C.E. Stubbs-Gipson, M.J. Groom, J.R. Miller, T.A. Steelman, and D.L. Stokes. Courses without Borders: Collaborative Graduate Education Across Multiple Institutions. In review with Innovative Higher Education.
- Martinez-Sanchez, J.C. and M.J. Groom. Impacts of organic and inorganic coffee cultivation practices on vegetative structure and diversity in Nicaraguan coffee plantations. In review with Agroecosystems.
Papers in Preparation
- Groom, M.J. Climate change and species’ futures: current and predicted changes and risks. Chapter X in “Global Warming Reader,” to be published by Carolina Academic Press (W.H. Rodgers, Jr., M. Robinson-Dorn, editors).
- Groom, M.J. and A. Brockhaus. Using Wikipedia as a tool for authentic learning.
- Groom, M.J. Limits to colonization of the annual wildflower, Clarkia concinna (Onagraceae).
Technical Reports, Book Reviews, and Book Contributions
- Townsend, P.A. and M.J. Groom. Circium thistles. 2006. Pp. 90-91 in Boersma, P. D., S. E. Reichard, and A. N. Van Buren, editors. Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.
- Kubota, C., C. Henry, M. Groom, J. Eisele, W. Gold, and T. Clay. 2006. Bridging K-12/13-20 Science Education in Washington: Summer Environmental Education Days (SEED). Washington Science Teachers’ Journal.
- Groom, M.J. and P. Coppolillo. 2001. Ecologically Functioning Populations: How can the EFP concept aid efforts to conserve biodiversity? Report to the Wildlife Conservation Society. 32 pp.
- Collazo, J.A. and M.J. Groom. 2000. Avian conservation in north-central forested habitats in Puerto Rico. Final Report to the Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources (Federal Aid Project W-20). San Juan, Puerto Rico. 375 pp.
- Morris, W.F., D.F. Doak, M.J. Groom, P. Kareiva, J. Fieberg, L. Gerber, P. Murphy, and D. Stephens. 1999. A Practical Handbook for Population Viability Analysis. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA. 121 pp.
- Aragon, M.R., T. Schulz, A. Carpenter, and M.J. Groom. 1998. Evaluating probability of persistence for a threatened plant, Aletes humilis. Final Report to The Nature Conservancy. 12 pp.
- McKerrow, A.M., S. Chaplin, and M.J. Groom. 1998. Modeling population viability for a clonal, perennial plant, Asclepias meadii. Final Report to The Nature Conservancy, 25 pp.
- Marquez, M. and M. Groom, editors. 1997. OTS 95-10: Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation Coursebook. Organization for Tropical Studies, Durham, NC. 153 pp.
- Groom, M.J. 1997. Patterns of deforestation and species loss. Pp. 127-129, 137-139 in Principles of Conservation Biology, 2nd Edition (G.K. Meffe and R. Carroll, eds.). Sinauer, Sunderland, MA.
- Groom, M.J. 1997. Review of Neotropical Birds: Ecology and Conservation by D.F. Stotz, J.W. Fitzpatrick, T.A. Parker III, and D.A. Moscovits. Quarterly Review of Biology DATES
- Groom, M.J., L. Goldwasser, and P. Kareiva. 1994. Evaluating the influence of model structures on the results of population viability simulations. Technical Report to the California Forestry Association, Sacramento, CA. 24 pp.
- Goldwasser, L., M.J. Groom, and P. Kareiva. 1994. The effects of model structure and annual variability on population viability analyses of the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina). Technical Report to the California Forestry Association, Sacramento, CA. 36 pp.
- Groom, M.J. 1994. Quantifying patterns of deforestation & Quantifying the loss of species due to deforestation. Pp 114-116, 121-122 in: Principles of ConservationBiology, 1st Edition (G.K. Meffe and R. Carroll, eds.). Sinauer, Sunderland, MA.
- Groom, M.J. and P. Kareiva. 1993. Hope in high places for ecology and the environment. (Review of Earth in the Balance by Al Gore). Ecology 74(3):965-966.
- Veit, R.R., G.A. Nevitt, E. Silverman, M. Groom, B. Agler, D. Grünbaum, and D. Secord. 1993. Foraging behavior and spatial patterns of pelagic birds at sea. Antarctic Journal 28: 198-200.
- Boersma, P.D. and M. J. Groom. 1992. Conservation of storm petrels in the North Pacific. Pp. 112-121 in The Status, Ecology, and Conservation of Marine Birds of the North Pacific, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario.
- Groom, M.J. 1990. Sugerencias para un plan de manejo de turismo y el uso humano de las aves de la orilla en el Parque Nacional del Manú. Corporation for Development of Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, Perú. 18 pp, plus 6 maps.
- Groom, M.J. 1986. Recomendaciones sobre el control de los efectos negativos de turismo. Director General of Forestry and Wildlife, Lima, Perú. 16 pp, plus 2 maps.
- Outstanding Teacher Award, NC State University, 1997-1998
- Election to the Academy of Outstanding Teachers, NC State University, 1998.
- Project Kaleidoscope "Faculty for the 21st Century," 1997-2002.
- Hewlitt Instructor, North Carolina State University, 1997-8.
- Ingrith Deyrup Olsen Teaching Award, University of Washington, 1995.
- Best Teaching Assistant, Introductory Biology, University of Florida, 1989.
- Research Fellowships, Honors and Awards
- Elected to Full Membership, Sigma Xi, 1997.
- National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1987-91.
- University of Washington Graduate Recruitment Award, 1989.
- Pew Charitable Trusts Scholarship in Conservation Biology and
Sustainable Development, 1991-93. - University of Washington, Training Grant in Mathematical Biology, 1994.
- Best Student Paper, Colonial Waterbird Society, Chevy Chase, MD, 1988.
- 2001 Huckabay Teaching Fellowship for Jennifer Hoffman to work with me on instructional development during Winter Quarter, 2001. One quarter support for Ms. Hoffman. Graduate School, University of Washington.
- 1999-2002: The University of Washington Restoration Ecology Network. $364,536. Collaboration with Warren Gold, Director, and 7 others at UWB, UWS, and UWT. Tools for Transformation, University of Washington.
- 2000: Huckabay Teaching Fellowship for Brad Davidson to work with me on instructional development during Spring Quarter, 2000. One quarter support for Mr. Davidson. Graduate School, University of Washington.
- 1996-2000: Avian conservation in north-central forested habitats in Puerto Rico. $574,680. Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources (Co-PI with Jaime A. Collazo). NC Agricultural Research Service Project No. 05738.
- 1998-1999: Site evaluation and recommendations of instructional materials for environmental education at Holden Beach, NC. $12,000 (included one year support for graduate assistant, Todd Preuninger). College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NCSU. (Co-PI with B.J. Copeland).
- 1997: Plant demography and avian fruit choice. Undergraduate Research Experience Fund, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NCSU, $1,000 to support travel of two UG students to Puerto Rico to gain research experience in the project NCARS 05738.
Invited Research Seminars (details since 2000 only):
- 2008
- 15th Annual Endangered Species Act Conference. “Climate change and Endangered Species: Predicting species’ responses and extinction risks.” Seattle, WA. 25 January 2008.
Symposium: Biofuels and Biodiversity: An assessment of potential effects on species and ecosystems. Society for Conservation Biology. Chatanooga, TN. - 2007
- University of Washington, Bothell, Policy Studies Research Colloquium, “Climate change and Species Declines.” 16 January 2007.
14th Annual Endangered Species Act Conference. “Climate change and the ESA: Predicting species’ responses and extinction risks.” Seattle, WA. 18 Jan. 2007. - 2006
- Whidbey Institute, Lyceum Series, “Fixing Past Mistakes: The Restoration Ecology of Forests.” 2 May 2006
University of Washington, Natural History Series, “What factors influence population fate in the wildflower, Clarkia concinna?” 3 May 2006.
Napa County Land Trust, CA, Symposium in honor of Joseph Callizo, “Can we predict future population trajectories of Clarkia concinna based on a decade of prior data?” 20 May 2006. - 2005
- Arts Culture Nature Conference: Earth Rites, UW, Bothell. “UWB/CCC Wetland Restoration Project.” 19 May 2005.
- 2004
- University of Washington, Bothell, Policy Studies Research Colloquium, “The Use of Scientific Information in Public Policy: Habitat Conservation Plans and Recovery Planning," 12 February 2004.
Humboldt State University, “Avian conservation in central Puerto Rico: interactions with coffee and timber production, “ 26 March 2004.
Washington State University, Vancouver, “Conserving species across diverse landscapes,” 26 April 2004.
University of Washington, Seattle, Department of Biology, “A partial test of the shade coffee refugia hypothesis from central Puerto Rico.” Short talk, 11 May 2004. - 2001
- University of Washington, Seattle, Department of Zoology, “Evaluating the Importance of Genetic Diversity and Inbreeding in an Annual Plant,” 9 May 2001.
- 2000
- Yale University, Annual Invited Speaker, Student Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology. “Fragmentation and plant populations.” 21 April 2000.
Bellevue Community College, Earthday lecture for BCC Science Club, “Grounds for Change? How our coffee choices affect biodiversity.” 25 April 2000.
Society for Conservation Biology, Symposium on Spatial Ecology and Conservation. “Consequences of Subpopulation Isolation for Pollination, Herbivory, and Population Growth in Clarkia concinna” Missoula, MT, 10 June 2000.
Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington. “Conservation via Café: when do cultivation practices matter for biodiversity?” 9 August 2000.
Chicago Botanical Gardens, Symposium on Biology of Small Populations. “Allee Effects Constrain Reproductive Success and Population Spread in Clarkia concinna concinna (Onagraceae)” Glencoe, IL, 15 September 2000.
- 1999
- University of Montana, Department of Forestry.
Symposium: Conservation of Small Populations, Society for Conservation Biology, College Park, MD.
Plant Metapopulations, International Congress of Botany, St. Louis, Missouri.
Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington. - 1998
- University of Washington, Bothell, Liberal Studies.
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA.
The Nature Conservancy, Population Viability Analysis Workshop, Santa Barbara, CA.
Wake County Audubon Society, Natural History Museum, Raleigh, NC.
North Carolina State University, Department of Zoology. - 1997
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Department of Biology.
Duke University, School of the Environment.
Ursinus College, PA, Earth Day Seminar.
San Francisco State University, Women in Conservation Seminar Series.
North Carolina State University, Department of Botany. - 1996
- National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA.
University of California at Davis, Ecology Seminar Series.
Valparaiso University, IN, Department of Biology.
University of Puget Sound, WA, Department of Biology.
North Carolina State University, Department of Genetics.
North Carolina State University, Program in Biomathematics.
Mountain Lake Biological Station, Pembroke, VA. - 1995
- Harvard University, Harvard Forest.
Bowling Green State University, OH, Department of Biology.
North Carolina State University, Department of Zoology.
Florida State University, Department of Biology.
University of Florida, Department of Zoology.
Seattle Central Community College, Symposium on Biodiversity Conservation.
Western Washington University, Department of Biology.
Mountain Lake Biological Station, Pembroke, VA.
Duke University, NC, Department of Botany.
University of Chicago, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
- 1994
- Jackson School of International Studies, UW, Symposium on EcoTourism.
- 1992
- Society for Conservation Biology, Pew Symposium on Conservation and Sustainable Development, Blacksburg, VA.
- 1991
- IV Neotropical Ornithology Congress, Ecology and Conservation of Shorebirds, Quito, Ecuador. (Also gave contributed talk in Spanish, see next section)
- 1989
- First International Workshop on Ecotourism, Mérida, México.
- 1988
- Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina, Perú, Department of Biology.
Park Management Planning Workshop, Manú Biosphere Res., Cusco, Perú.
Contributed Papers presented at Scientific Meetings (details since 2000 only):
- 2007
- International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. “Where is biodiversity conservation in local planning?” with G. Hess, T. Steelman, J. Miller, J. Thompson, and D. Stokes. Talk delivered by MAPS and ISU grad students from our collaborative research course: H. Baweja, H. Magnusdottir. Park City, UT. June 17-21, 2007.
- 2006
- Society for Conservation Biology, “How are we saving species in the 21st century?” 1st author, with M. Kinnaird and K. Redford. San Jose, CA. June 25-28, 2006.
- 2005
- Arts Culture Nature Conference: Earth Rites, UW, Bothell. Panel discussion: “When is a wetland a wetland? Ecological, aesthetic, and community perspectives.” Led by M. Gillespie, with E. Umbanower, 20 May 2005.
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, “Breeding productivity in shaded coffee plantations: could plantations have served as refugia in Puerto Rico?” Gleffe, J.D., J.A. Collazo, M.J. Groom, L. Miranda. Presented by Ms. Gleffe. Uberlandia, Brazil. 4-28 July.
First UW Conservation Colloquium, “Conservation across Landscapes: Challenges and Opportunities,” 4 November 2005. - 2002
- American Ornithologists' Union, “Breeding productivity in shaded coffee plantations: could plantations have served as refugia in Puerto Rico?” 2nd author with J.A. Collazo. New Orleans, LA. 24-28 September 2002.
Society for Conservation Biology, “Ecological and social implications of conversion from shade to sun coffee in Puerto Rico.” 3rd Author with R.R. Borkhataria and J.A. Collazo. Canterbury, England. 17 July 2002. - 2001
- Society for Caribbean Ornithology, “Spatial Patterns of Fruit Abundance and Avian Frugivory in a Puerto Rican Forest,” J.F. Saracco, J.A. Collazo, and M.J. Groom; “When farmers help birds, do birds help farmers? Insectivores as biological control agents in a shaded coffee plantation in Puerto Rico,” R.R. Borkhataria, J.A. Collazo, and M.J. Groom; “Fruit diversity and bird use of shaded coffee plantations in Puerto Rico,” T.A. Carlo-Joglar, J.A. Collazo, and M.J. Groom. Topes de Collante National Park, Cuba. July 15-22, 2001.
- 1999
- Society for Ecological Restoration, San Francisco, CA (3rd author with W.G. Gold, K.E. Ewing, C. Greengrove, and D. Secord). Ecological Society of America, Spokane, WA.
- 1998
- American Institute of Biological Sciences/Association for Tropical Biology Joint Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- 1997
- Society for Conservation Biology, Victoria, BC.
Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, NM (Paper presented with M. Pascual). - 1996
- Ecological Society of America/Society of Conservation Biology Joint Meeting, Providence, RI.
- 1994
- Society for Conservation Biology, University of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
- 1992
- Pacific Ecology Conference, Friday Harbor, WA.
- 1991
- IV Neotropical Ornithology Congress, Quito, Ecuador
Society for Conservation Biology, Madison, WI. - 1990
- Society for Conservation Biology, Gainesville, FL. Pacific Seabird Group, Victoria, BC. (2 presentations).
- 1989
- American Ornithologists' Union, Pittsburgh, PA.
- 1988
- Colonial Waterbird Society, Chevy Chase, MD.
Courses Taught at UWB (1998 – Present)
Undergraduate Courses
Conservation Biology - A 1998, W 2000, W 2001, A 2002
Ecology and the Environment – W & Sp 1999, W 2001, W 2004, W 2005, W 2007
Introduction to Restoration Ecology - Sp 2000, Sp 2001, Sp 2003, Sp 2004, Sp 2005
Environmental Practice - Sp & A 1999, W 2000
Ecology – A 2000, A 2001
Marine Diversity and Conservation – A 2000 (2 sections)
Science and Endangered Species Policy - A 2002
Environmental History and Globalization - A 2006
Conservation and Sustainable Development - Sp 2007, Sp 2008
Topics in Environment & Performance: Oil Rights - Sp 2007
Introductory Biology: Evolution, Genetics, Ecology – A 2007
Graduate Courses
Summer Environmental Education Days (12 day workshop for K-12 teachers), Co-taught with C. Kubota & J. Eisele of Education, and C. Henry (2005) & W. Gold (2006) - Su 2005, Su 2006
Local Land Use Planning: a problem-based, primary research seminar, Co-taught with David Stokes & colleagues at NCSU & ISU – W, Sp 2007, assisted W 2008
Courses Taught at UWS (1998 – Present)
Undergraduate Courses
Conservation Biology - A 2003
Senior Seminar in Conservation and Sustainable Development – Sp 2007
Graduate Courses
Advanced Ecology - A 2003, A 2005
Active Learning Methods for Biology Teaching - A 2005, W 2008
Marine Conservation Biology (FHL) - Su 2000
Biodiversity & Land Use Planning - A 1998, W & Sp 2007
Invasion Ecology - W & Sp 2003
Graduate Seminars
Conservation Biology – A 2000, W, Sp & A 2001, W 2004, A 2005, A 2006, A 2007
Behavior and Conservation - A 2002, W 2003, Sp 2004
Spatial Analysis and Conservation – W 1999, Sp 2000
Invasive Species in Washington - A 2003, W 2004
Teaching Conservation Biology – W 2001, Sp 2003, W & Sp 2005
Courses Taught at NCSU (1995-1998)
Undergraduate Courses
Ecology - F 1995, F 1996, F 1997
Laboratory in Ecology - F 1995, F 1996, F 1997
Honors Ecology - F 1997
Graduate Courses & Seminars
Conservation Biology – Sp 1996, Sp 1998
Evolutionary Mechanisms – Sp 1997
Seminar: History of Ecology – Sp 1997
Habitat Conservation Planning: a problem-based, primary research course – F 1997
Population Viability Analysis: a problem-based, primary research course – Sp 1998
Teaching Seminars & Presentations
- 2008
- EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, Online Spring Focus Session, Invited presentation: “Using Wikipedia as a tool of authentic learning,” with A. Brockhaus, Webinar, 18 March 2008.
- 2007
- EDUCAUSE. “Using Wikipedia to re-envision the term paper,” with A. Brockhaus. Seattle, WA. 26 October 2007.
WEBS (Women Evolving Biological Science) Symposium. Panel presentations: Teaching & Mentoring/Careers & Family. 14-17 October 2007.
“The Project for Interdisciplinary Pedagogy: Preparing Graduate Students for Interdisciplinary Careers” presented by B. Burgett, S. Starkweather, and J. Sanchez. Association for Integrative Studies, 29 September 2007. Tempe, AZ. - 2005
- Active Learning Methods for Biology Teaching, quarter long teaching seminar connected with graduate and postdoctoral course in teaching methods. Autumn. Department of Biology, UW, Seattle.
- 2004
- “UW Restoration Ecology Network” University of Washington-Seattle, Department of Biology.
- 1999
- "Interdisciplinary Science Education at UW, Bothell and UW, Tacoma" University of Washington-Seattle, Department of Zoology, with David Secord of UWT.
- 1998
- “Active learning practices,” Hewlitt Fellows Workshop, Raleigh, NC.
- 1996
- “Short reflective writing exercises for large classes,” Writing Across the Curriculum, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Teaching Workshops Attended
- 2007-8
- PIP Workshops: Interdisciplinary Pedagogies (Digital, Quantitative/Qualitative, of Place). Short workshops by PIP fellows and mentors, Fall, Winter & Spring, UW, Bothell.
- 2006
- CRLT Players, Using theater to develop discussions on diversity issues, Center for Instructional Development and Research (CIDR) Forum
- 2005
- Engaging Students through Active and Cooperative Learning Activities, CIDR Forum
- 2004
- Designing Effective Assignments for Group Learning, CIDR Forum
- 2003
- Faculty Institute on Online Learning, UWB, Autumn Term 2003, plus follow up sessions.
- 2000
- Preparing Ph.D.s for Success in the New Century, CIDR Panel Discussion.
“Effective strategies for teaching with technology,” UW Provost’s Faculty Workshops for Teaching and Learning, August 2000.
Problem-Based Learning: building a community of learners, CIDR Forum - 1999
- Project Kaleidoscope, F21 National Assembly, College Park, MD, 22-23 October.
- 1998
- UW Faculty Fellows, September 1998. NSF Summer Institute on Puget Sound for Faculty. “Humans and Nature in the Pacific Northwest,” The Evergreen State College. June 1998.
- 1997
- Project Kaleidescope, F21 National Assembly, Houston, TX, 18-20 September.
- 1996
- “Teaching Large Classes,” University of North Carolina, Division of Continuing Education.
Teaching outreach
- Consultant for Seattle Public Schools, Curriculum and Laboratory Exercise Development, 1997-8 (at NCSU), 2000-present (at UWB/UWS)
- Panelist, Graduate Student Professional Development Seminar (GRDSCH 630), UWS 2004-5.
- Panelist, Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop, NCSU 1997-8.
- Tours of UWB Wetland for local schools (2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008), science camps (2005, 2006, 2008), and a girl scout troop (2003).