Psychology 317-318: Daily Updates (in reverse chronological
order of relevance)
FINAL UPDATE: Thursday, June 13, 2002,
11:00 AM
Final Exam Statistics:
- Mean = 81; Median,= 82; S.D = 11 Range =
53 - 96
- Final Exam grades will be scaled upward
by a factor of 100/96.
Final Grade Statistics:
- Mean = 3.04; Median,= 3.60; S.D = 1.15 Range
= 0.0 - 4.9
- To get an excel version of the complete
grade spreadsheet, click here
- To get an HTML version of final grades only
click here
Information below this line is out of date and is provided
for historical purposes only
Practice HW Answers
Monday 6/10/02 TA availability
- Laura 8:30 - 10:30: In Guthrie 269
- Iris 1:00 - 3:00: In Guthrie 265F
Final Exam coverage:
- The final exam will be on Tuesday,
6/11/02 from 8:30 - 10:20 in Johnson 006.
- The final exam will cover all lectures from
the beginning of the quarter through Tuesday, 6/4/02 The exam will cover text
Chapters 10 - Chapter 16 (pp. 527 - 533 and pp. 536 - end of chapter).
Exam 4 Statistics:
- Mean = 76; Median,= 80; S.D = 15 Range =
44 - 100
Final HW: Due Friday, 6/7/02 (Reminder: The
problems on this Final HW are relevant to what will be covered on the Final
Exam, and can add up to 2.5 points to your Final Exam score)
- Chapter 15: 22 (problem 8 only), 23 (problem 1 only), 24
(problem 1 only), 25 (problem 1 only).
- Chapter 16: 7, 8
HW #4 Answers
Exam 4 coverage:
- Exam 3, which will occur on Wednesday, 6/5/02,
will cover lectures from Monday 5/20/02 through Wednesday, 5/29/02. The exam
will cover Chapter 14 from p. 460 through the end of the chapter, plus Chapter
15 pp 484 - 508.
Readings #9: Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 6/3/2002
- Chapter 15, reread pp. 515 - end of chapter
- Chapter 16, pp. 527 - 533; pp. 536 - end
of chapter
Thursday lectures
- No lecture either on Thursday 5/30 or on Thursday 6/6.
Friday, May 31
- Both graduate TA's, Iris and Laura, need to attend the Psychology
Department Research Festival on Friday, 5/31/02.
- Students in either of their sections, please go either to
Allyss's section (GUG 306) or Amanda's section (ARC 019).
- Laura's office hours on Friday will be only from 11:30 -
12:30 (so you can still turn in your homework to her).
HW #4: Due Friday, 5/31/2002 at 12:30 PM
- Chapter 15: 1, 3, 11, 13b-c, 14, 16, 22 (problem 8 only),
23 (problem 1 only), 24 (problem 1 only), 25 (problem 1 only).
HW #4: Problems to be dropped
- Chapter 15: 22 (problem 8 only), 23 (problem 1 only), 24
(problem 1 only), 25 (problem 1 only).
Pearson-r confidence intervals
- There were some minor errors on the handout
for calculating confidence intervals for Pearson r's. We will hand out a new
version in classs; also you can download
a corrected version here.
Iris's Friday section
- Iris will not be here on Friday. Those who
would normally go to her section, please go to Laura's section in Johnson
101 .
Exam 3 Statistics:
- Mean = 85; Median,= 93; S.D = 17 Range =
24 - 100
Readings #8: Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 5/20/2002
- Chapter 15: p. 508 - end of chapter
Exam 3 coverage:
- Exam 3, which will occur on Wednesday, 5/22/02,
will cover lectures from Monday 5/6/02 through Wednesday, 4/15/02. The exam
will cover Chapter 12 from p. 387 through the end of the chapter, plus Chapters
13 and 14, along with the supplementary reading (covered as part of Readings
#6; see below) on confidence intervals around Pearson r's.
HW #3 Answers
- Exam 3, currently scheduled for next Wednesday,
5/15/02 will be resheduled to Wednesday 5/22/02. The reason for this is that
both of the graduate TA's, Iris and Laura, will be out of town at a conference
from 5/9/02 to 5/15/02. Exam 4 and the final exam will remain as they are.
- Accordingly, HW #3, currently due on 5/10/02
will be due intstead at 5/17/02.
- This also means that Iris and Laura will
not be having their normal office hours between 5/9/ and 5/15
- This also means that Iris and Laura will
not be having their sections on on 5/10. Please feel free to go to Allyss's
section (GUG 306) or Amanda's section (ARC 019).
HW #3: Due Friday, 5/17/2002 at 12:30
- Chapter 12: 10
- Chapter 13: 1, 4, 5, 9 (NOTE: for Part e,
the deviations should be: subj 1 add 1.0; subj 2 add 2.0; subj 3 leave alone;
subj 4 subtract 3.0), 11, 12.
- Chapter 14: 1, 2, 3, 7. For problems 2 and
3, compute 95% confidence intervals around the Pearson r and the Pearson r-squared.
Readings #7: Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 5/20/2002
- Chapter 15 through p. 508
Readings #6: Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 5/13/2002
- Chapter 14
- NOTE: Ignore the section on confidence intervals
for the Pearson r (p. 460). Instead, make sure that you read the section on
confidence intervals which you can get from here
in HTML format or here
to be downloaded in Word.
Thursday lecture: 5/16/02
Exam 2 Statistics:
- Mean = 77; Median,= 83; S.D = 19 Range =
21 - 100
Exam Packet information
- We begain supplying exam packets some years
ago because exams were available in fraternity and sorority files, and we
didn't want to discriminate against people who weren't in fraternities or
sororities. The exams are easy to come by (they're in my files) but the answer
sheets are difficult to come by. This is why there are answer sheets for some
exams but not for others.
Readings #5: Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 5/6/2002
Exam 2 coverage:
- Exam 2, which will occur on Wednesday, 5/1/02,
will cover all lectures through Wednesday, 4/24/02. The exam will "officially"
cover Chapter 11 from p. 334 to the end of the Chapte (note however, that
you will need to be pretty familiar with the earlier material in the chapter
in order to solve problems drawn from pp. 334 to the end of the chapter).
The exam will also cover Chapter 12 through p. 387.
Thursday lecture: 4/25/02
- Making graphs in Excel: Mary Gates Hall
Room 044
Readings #3: Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 4/29/2002
Exam packet answer difficulty
- There was a misunderstanding at the OUGL
copy center about the answer sheets for the practice exams. They were supposed
to just copy the answers, but they actually copied the tests themselves again
plus the answers. We will try to have them copy just the answers and prepare
a separate packet.
- So: If you have not yet bought a test packet,
purchase the test-plus-answers packet
- If you have bought a test-only packet, wait
until the answers only are ready, and then buy just the answers separately.
Allyss Office Hours (this week only) will
change to:
- Wed 12:30 - 1:20; Th 12:30 - 2:30
Thursday lecture: 4/25/02
- Excel for ANOVA: Mary Gates Hall Room 044
Psychology 318 HW #2: Due Friday April 26,
- Chapter 11: 1h, 3c, 4b, 5b-d, 6b, 8
- Chapter 12: 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11
Psychology 318 HW #2: Problems to be dropped
(which will show up on HW 3)
Exam 1 Statistics:
- Mean = 82; Median,= 84; S.D = 13.8; Range
= 41 - 100
Practice exam aanswer sheets
- We have tracked down a packet of answer
sheets for some of the practice exams. They will available by the end of this
Readings #2: Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 4/22/2002, and to be quizzed 4/22/2002
Practice exams (NOTE: At present, there are
no answer sheets for these exams, but we will see if we can find some)
- A packet of exams from previous years will
beon sale at the OUGL copy center by the end of the week (or possibly sooner)
- Each of the exams is headed "Psychology
218" because up to this year, this course was Psychology 218. The exams
this year will be the same in character and format as exams from previous
Exam 1 coverage:
- Exam 1, which will occur on Wednesday, 4/17/02,
will cover all lectures through Wednesday, 4/10/02. The exam will cover Chapters
9, 10, and 11 through p. 334 of the text.
Thursday lecture: 4/11/02
Psychology 318 HW #1: Due
Friday, April 12 at 12:30
- Chapter 9: 2, 3, 4, 6
- Chapter 10 (NOTE: in all problems where
you are comparing two means, compute the 95% confidence interval around the
mean difference): 1, 4, 6, 8, 13, 14, 16
- Chapter 11: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
Psychology 318 HW #1: Drop the following problems
(they will show up on HW#2)
- Chapter 11: 1h, 3c, 4b, 5b-d, 6b, 8
Psychology 318 Readings #0 and #1: (Relevant
to lectures to be given weeks of 4/1/2002 and 4/8/2002, and to be quizzed 4/8/2002)
Thursday lecture: 4/4/02
- The Thursday lecture on 4/4/02 will on Excel
applied to t-tests. It will be in Mary Gates Hall Room 044.
Final Exam data and final grades:
- Final Exam data: Mean: 81; SD 16; Median:
87; range: 33-100
- To see just your final grade (identified
via the last four digits of your student number) click here.
To see the complete grade sheets (all grades for quizzes, HW, exams, etc)
click here.
Will there be a quiz in Psychology 318 on
April 1, 2002?
- No. The first quiz will be on April 8.
Monday 3/18/02 TA availability
- Amanda: Gould coffee shop 10:20 - 2:00
- Laura: In Guthrie 269 10:30 - 2:00
- Iris: In Guthrie 265F from noon on
Answers to HW#4
- The answer sheet for HW#5 can be downloaded
from here. When you've downloaded it, it should be openable in Word.
Final Exam coverage:
- The final exam will be on Tuesday,
3/19/02 from 8:30 - 10:20 in Johnson 006.
- The final exam will cover all lectures from
the beginning of the quarter through Tuesday, 3/12/02 The exam will cover
all chapters of the text through (that is, including) Chapter 8, along with
Appendixes A, B, and C.
NOTE On HW problem 10 from Chapter 8:
- I apologize for some confusion about this
problem. As it stands in the book it's fine. If a confidence interval were
requested for the data presented in Part (a) that would be fine too. However
it does not make sense to ask, as was done, for a confidence interval based
on what was given in Part (c). The reason for this is that no actual sample
means are provided in Part (c) because the equation for a confidence interval
is, CI=(MP-MS)+/-sigmasq(MP-MS)xcritz. But "(MP-MS)" refers to the
obtained sample mean difference. Because no obtained sample mean difference
is actually provided in part C you can't do the confidence interval.
- Do not fall into the trap of computing
a confidence interval around either the mean (mu) according to the null hypothesis
or the mean (mu) according to the alternative hypothesis. A confidence interval,
at least as we're considering them so far, is around an obtained sample mean
(or mean difference).
Exam 4 data:
- Mean: 80; SD 15; Median: 83; range: 39-100.
Final Homework: Due Friday, March 15 at 12:30 (NOTE: Final
HW can add up to 2.5 points to your final-exam grade)
- Chapter 8: 2, 5, 10 (part a: compute 90%
confidence intervals around the Seattle and Puyallup means; part c: what would
the 90% confidence intervals be with the sample sizes that you choose?)
- Chapter 9: 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12
Final Homework: Problems to be dropped (these will show up
on HW#1 of Psychology 318)
- Chapter 9: 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12
Exam 4 coverage:
- Exam 4, which will occur on Wednesday, 3/13/02,
will cover all lectures through Wednesday, 3/6/02 except for confidence intervals,
power, and estimation of population variance (i.e., Chapter-8 and Chapter-9
material). The exam will cover Chapters 6 and 7 of the text.
Thursday lecture: 3/14/02
Answers to HW#4
- The answer sheet for HW#4 can be downloaded
from here. When you've downloaded it, it should be openable in Word.
Readings #9: (Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 3/11/2002 and to be quizzed on 3/11/02
Thursday lecture: 3/7/02
General notes on scheduling
- I've decided that there was too much material
for one test in Chapters 6-9, even if I get through some of the Chapter-8
and Chapter-9 material tomorrow in class. Therefore. I'm dropping the Chapter-8
and Chapter-9 material from HW #4, and it will not be covered on the test
to be given on March 6.
- However, the Chapter-8 and Chapter-9 material
will be switched to the final homework, due March 15, and it will be covered
(along with everything else in the class) on the final exam.
Homework #4: Due Friday, March 8 at 12:30
- Chapter 6: 1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 15, 16, 21
- Chapter 7: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 14
- Chapter 8: 2, 5, 10 (part a: compute 90%
confidence intervals around the Seattle and Portland means; part c: what would
the 90% confidence intervals be with the sample sizes that you choose?)
- Chapter 9: 2, 3, 4, 6
Homework #4: Problems to be dropped
- Chapter 8: 2, 5, 10 (part a: compute 90%
confidence intervals around the Seattle and Portland means; part c: what would
the 90% confidence intervals be with the sample sizes that you choose?)
- Chapter 9: 2, 3, 4, 6
TA sections for Psychology 318, Spring quarter,
- Some students have asked which TA's will
be teaching which sections next quarter. The answer is: The four TAs will
be teaching the same sections they are this quarter, i.e., AA: Laura; AB:
Iris; AC: Allyss; AD: Amanda.
Readings #8: (Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 3/4/2002 and to be quizzed on TUESDAY 3/5/02
MONDAY lecture: 3/4/02
- The Monday lecture on 3/4/02 will be an
Excel lecture Mary Gates Hall Room 030.
Thursday lecture: 2/28/02
- The Thursday lecture on 2/28/02 will be
a normal class lecture, given by G. Loftus in the normal classroom,
Johnson 006.
Exam 3 data:
- Mean: 57; SD 18; Median: 57; range: 0-92.
- Note 1: When the highest exam grade is less
than 100, I scale all scores upward so that the highest grade is 100.
So in this case, all of you can multiply your exam grade by 100/92 to get
the score that will be entered on the official grade sheet.
- Note 2: This is probably the exam that will
be dropped by most of you.
- Note 3: Traditionally, this Exam (Exam 3
of Psychology 317) is the lowest of all 10 that are given during the 317-318
sequence. So it's likely that the worst is behind you.
Readings #7: (Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 2/25/2002
- Chapter 6, pp. 179-end of chapter
- Chapter 7
Upcoming Thursday Lectures
- There will be Thursday lectures both this
week (Thursday 2/21) and next week (Thursday 2/28).
Details to follow.
- This week's Thursday lecture (2/21) will
be in MGH 044, and will cover calculation of probabilities and z-scores
from the Normal Distribution. To see the example being used, click
Answers to HW#3
- The answer sheet for HW#3 can be downloaded
from here. When you've downloaded it, it should be openable in Word.
St. Petersburg game
- In response to popular demand, I've created
an Excel spreadsheet for Chapter 3, problem 8. It can be downloaded by clicking
Exam 3 coverage:
- Exam 3, which will occur on Wednesday, 2/20/02,
will cover all lectures through Wednesday, 2/13/02. It will cover Chapter
3, pp. 89-111, and117-119, plus Appendixes A-C, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5 of
the text.
Readings #6: (Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 2/18/2002 and to be quizzed on TUESDAY 2/19/02):
- REVIEW Chapter 6, pp. 167-179 (which
you presumably already read for last week)
Homework #3: Due Friday 2/15/2002
- Chapter 3: 7, 8, 9
- Chapter 4: 1, 2, 4, 6
- Chapter 5: 1 (list 5 situations only), 2,
4, 8, 10
- Chapter 6: 1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 15, 16, 21
Lecture Thursday 2/141/02: Excel to compute
and graph binomial distributions: Mary Gates Hall, Room 044
- Various other aspects of Excel, such as
the very useful "if" function will be described as well
Readings #5: (Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 2/11/2002 and to be quizzed on Monday 2/11/02):
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6, pp. 167-179
Exam 2 data:
- Mean: 84;SD 15; Median: 88; range: 33-100.
Exam 2 coverage:
- Exam 1, which will occur on Wednesday, 2/6/02,
will cover all lectures through Wednesday, 1/30/02. It will cover in Chapter
2 and Chapter 3, pp. 89-111, plus 117-119 of the text.
Lecture Thursday 2/7/02: No Lecture
Readings #4: (Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 2/4/2002 and to be quizzed on Monday 2/4/02):
Lecture Thursday 1/31/02: Excel to compute
descriptive statistics is in Mary Gates Hall 044
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Starting this Thursday,
the Thursday lectures will be MGH 044. This computer lab holds 48 people,
and there are 70 people in this class. We are assuming that not everyone will
show up. If more than 48 people show up, some people can grab chairs from
the ajoining lab (MGH 030) and share a computer with someone else. We recommend
that if you have a laptop, you bring it and use it rather than one of the
lab computers. Also, if the lecture ends early, you can practice in either
MGH 044 or in MGH 030.
Homework #2: Due FRIDAY, 2/1/2002 at 12:30 PM in at Laura Thomas's
office hours
- Chapter 2: 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 15
- Chapter 3: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9
Homework #2: PROBLEMS TO BE DROPPED: These dropped problems
will show up on HW#3
Exam 1 data:
- Mean: 75; Median: 75; range: 52-98.
- Note: When the highest exam grade is less
than 100, I scale all scores upward so that the highest grade is 100.
So in this case, all of you can multiply your exam grade by 100/98 to get
the score that will be entered on the official grade sheet.
Exam 1 Answer Sheet note:
- There is an error in the answer key in question
2.a. The TAs will go over the correct answer in the section on Friday.
Readings #3: (Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 1/28/2002 and to be quizzed on Monday 1/28/02):
- Chapter 2, pp. 69 - end of chapter
- Chapter 3
- Appendixes A-B
Lecture Thursday 1/24/02: NO LECTURE
Exam 1 coverage:
- Exam 1, which will occur next Wednesday,
1/232/02, will cover all lectures through Wednesday, 1/16/02. It will cover
material in the Introduction and Chapter 1 of the text.
Practice exams (NOTE: Some, but not all practice
exams have answer sheets with them)
- A packet of exams from previous years is
on sale at the OUGL copy center.
- Each of the exams is headed "Psychology
217" because up to this year, this course was Psychology 217. The exams
this year will be the same in character and format as exams from previous
Readings #2: (Relevant to lectures to be given
week of 1/21/2002 and to be quizzed on Tuesday 1/22/02):
TA email addresses:
- Laura:
- Iris:
- Allyss:
- Amanda:
Lecture Thursday 1/17/02: To be given in Johnson
006 by Iris, but all TA's will be there
- Excel basics: Further review
- Use of Macros (big time-saving device)
- Note: If you have a laptop, bring it.
Laura's Office Hours Correction
- Laura Thomas will have office hours on Fridays
from 9:30 to 12:30.
Homework #1: Due FRIDAY, 1/18/2001 at 12:30 PM in at Laura Thomas's
office hours
- Chapter 1:1-4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18,
Homework issues
- Please put your section number on your homework
when you turn it in
- A point will be deducted if,
- a question is incomplete or missing
- work is not shown
- homework is done in ink
- the paper is messy or illegable
- your section is not indicated at the
Emailing questions to me
- I get 100 - 200 email messages a day and
it takes me a very long time to go through them. So I'd like you to be circumspect
in emailing questions to me. If you have a question that needs an urgent answer,
then phone me, stop by, or email me. However, if the question can be answered
by a TA, then please direct it to your TA or any TA. If the question can wait,
ask someone during office hours, or raise the question in section or in class.
- There was an error on the previous syllabus
regarding HW#1 due date. It is due January 18 not January 12. Sorry
for the confusion.
- Several people have contacted me saying
their entry codes didn't work for one reason or another. This situation is
beyond my power; all I can do is to issue entry codes. I recommend that you
talk to a Psychology advisor about the problem. I am willing to sign exemptions
or whatever is required on my end to get you into the class.
The fourth section listed on the syllabus
(Amanda Parsley's section) should be labeled "AD" not "AC"
and meets on Friday at 8:30, not Thursday at 8:30.
Readings #0 and #1: (Relevant to lectures
to be given weeks of 1/7/200 and 1/14/2002)
- Preface, Introduction Chapter, and Chapter
- Readings #0 and Readings #1 will both be
quizzed next Monday, 1/14
Lecture Thursday 1/10/02: To be given in Johnson
There is a limited amount of space in Psychology
317. I will not be giving out entry codes until the first week of class, at
which time, I'll know how many people are in the class. In the meantime, I have
established a waiting list, and people will be given entry codes on a first-on-the-waiting-list-first-come
basis. If you want to be on the waiting list, please email