General Information about the Course | 2002 TA's

Psychology 317-318: Daily Updates (in reverse chronological order of relevance)

FINAL UPDATE: Thursday, June 13, 2002, 11:00 AM


Final Exam Statistics:

Final Grade Statistics:

Information below this line is out of date and is provided for historical purposes only

Practice HW Answers

Monday 6/10/02 TA availability

Final Exam coverage:

Exam 4 Statistics:

Final HW: Due Friday, 6/7/02 (Reminder: The problems on this Final HW are relevant to what will be covered on the Final Exam, and can add up to 2.5 points to your Final Exam score)

HW #4 Answers

Exam 4 coverage:

Readings #9: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 6/3/2002

Thursday lectures

Friday, May 31

HW #4: Due Friday, 5/31/2002 at 12:30 PM

HW #4: Problems to be dropped

Pearson-r confidence intervals

Iris's Friday section

Exam 3 Statistics:

Readings #8: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 5/20/2002

Exam 3 coverage:

HW #3 Answers


HW #3: Due Friday, 5/17/2002 at 12:30 PM

Readings #7: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 5/20/2002

Readings #6: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 5/13/2002

Thursday lecture: 5/16/02

Exam 2 Statistics:

Exam Packet information

Readings #5: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 5/6/2002

HW#2 answer sheets may be downloaded from here

Exam 2 coverage:

Thursday lecture: 4/25/02

Readings #3: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 4/29/2002

Exam packet answer difficulty

Allyss Office Hours (this week only) will change to:

Thursday lecture: 4/25/02

Psychology 318 HW #2: Due Friday April 26, 2002

Psychology 318 HW #2: Problems to be dropped (which will show up on HW 3)

Exam 1 Statistics:

Practice exam aanswer sheets

Readings #2: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 4/22/2002, and to be quizzed 4/22/2002

HW#1 answer sheets may be downloaded from here

Practice exams (NOTE: At present, there are no answer sheets for these exams, but we will see if we can find some)

Exam 1 coverage:

Thursday lecture: 4/11/02

Psychology 318 HW #1: Due Friday, April 12 at 12:30

Psychology 318 HW #1: Drop the following problems (they will show up on HW#2)

Psychology 318 Readings #0 and #1: (Relevant to lectures to be given weeks of 4/1/2002 and 4/8/2002, and to be quizzed 4/8/2002)

Thursday lecture: 4/4/02

Final Exam data and final grades:

Will there be a quiz in Psychology 318 on April 1, 2002?

Monday 3/18/02 TA availability

Answers to HW#4

Final Exam coverage:

NOTE On HW problem 10 from Chapter 8:

Exam 4 data:

Final Homework: Due Friday, March 15 at 12:30 (NOTE: Final HW can add up to 2.5 points to your final-exam grade)

Final Homework: Problems to be dropped (these will show up on HW#1 of Psychology 318)

Exam 4 coverage:

Thursday lecture: 3/14/02

Answers to HW#4

Readings #9: (Relevant to lectures to be given week of 3/11/2002 and to be quizzed on 3/11/02

Thursday lecture: 3/7/02

General notes on scheduling

Homework #4: Due Friday, March 8 at 12:30

Homework #4: Problems to be dropped

TA sections for Psychology 318, Spring quarter, 2002

Readings #8: (Relevant to lectures to be given week of 3/4/2002 and to be quizzed on TUESDAY 3/5/02

MONDAY lecture: 3/4/02

Thursday lecture: 2/28/02

Exam 3 data:

Readings #7: (Relevant to lectures to be given week of 2/25/2002

Upcoming Thursday Lectures

Answers to HW#3

St. Petersburg game

Exam 3 coverage:

Readings #6: (Relevant to lectures to be given week of 2/18/2002 and to be quizzed on TUESDAY 2/19/02):

Homework #3: Due Friday 2/15/2002

Lecture Thursday 2/141/02: Excel to compute and graph binomial distributions: Mary Gates Hall, Room 044

Readings #5: (Relevant to lectures to be given week of 2/11/2002 and to be quizzed on Monday 2/11/02):

Exam 2 data:

Exam 2 coverage:

Lecture Thursday 2/7/02: No Lecture

Readings #4: (Relevant to lectures to be given week of 2/4/2002 and to be quizzed on Monday 2/4/02):

Lecture Thursday 1/31/02: Excel to compute descriptive statistics is in Mary Gates Hall 044

Homework #2: Due FRIDAY, 2/1/2002 at 12:30 PM in at Laura Thomas's office hours

Homework #2: PROBLEMS TO BE DROPPED: These dropped problems will show up on HW#3

Exam 1 data:

Exam 1 Answer Sheet note:

Readings #3: (Relevant to lectures to be given week of 1/28/2002 and to be quizzed on Monday 1/28/02):

Lecture Thursday 1/24/02: NO LECTURE

Exam 1 coverage:

Practice exams (NOTE: Some, but not all practice exams have answer sheets with them)

Readings #2: (Relevant to lectures to be given week of 1/21/2002 and to be quizzed on Tuesday 1/22/02):

TA email addresses:

Lecture Thursday 1/17/02: To be given in Johnson 006 by Iris, but all TA's will be there

Laura's Office Hours Correction

Homework #1: Due FRIDAY, 1/18/2001 at 12:30 PM in at Laura Thomas's office hours

Homework issues

Emailing questions to me


The fourth section listed on the syllabus (Amanda Parsley's section) should be labeled "AD" not "AC" and meets on Friday at 8:30, not Thursday at 8:30.

Download textbook errata sheet and be sure to actually make corrections in your text

Readings #0 and #1: (Relevant to lectures to be given weeks of 1/7/200 and 1/14/2002)

Lecture Thursday 1/10/02: To be given in Johnson 006


There is a limited amount of space in Psychology 317. I will not be giving out entry codes until the first week of class, at which time, I'll know how many people are in the class. In the meantime, I have established a waiting list, and people will be given entry codes on a first-on-the-waiting-list-first-come basis. If you want to be on the waiting list, please email me.