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Introduction to
Biomedical & Health Informatics
MEDED 530, Fall, '04


The goal of this course is to work together as a team to improve our knowledge of the scope and breadth of the field of biomedical informatics.

Because this is a graduate-level course, I expect students to be self-motivated, and be willing to look beyond the "minimum requirements" of assignments and textbook readings. At the research and graduate level, there are often questions that do not have a simple "right" or "wrong" answers. I also expect that you will understand that I am not an oracle for providing answers -- more like a team leader that can help us find answers.

Because my focus is on the research questions for the field, I will be heavily augmenting the textbook readings with articles from the primary literature. I hope you'll find these to be complementary to your text.

Finally, I expect you all to be "adult learners". Thus, my teaching style will be to encourage discussion and participation in the learning process, rather than simply to provide plain lecture-style teaching.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the course, you should be able to...

  • Define the breadth and scope of biomedical informatics. As a sub-goal, delineate and describe the four UW foundational research areas in informatics and the application areas in which they might be applied
  • Describe the unique aspects of healthcare and the health sciences that create unique information management and technology needs
  • Understand why the field is inherently multi-disciplinary, and includes connections to fields such as Computer Science, Information Science, Decision theory, etc.
  • Understand the open challenges in the field, and some of its historical successes and failures

Last Updated:
Sept 27, '04

Contact the instructor at: gennari@u.washington.edu