Papers |
Economics 584
Time Series Econometrics
Reading List
Spring 2000 |
Last updated: May 15,
Note: H denotes "Hamilton", C denotes "Cochrane", F denotes
"Franses" and MK denotes Maddala and Kim. * denotes the most relevant reading. For those with strong interests in
time series econometrics, check out Peter C.B. Phillips' courses Time Series
Econometrics I and Time Series
Econometrics II (Yes, at Yale you get a full year of time series econometrics.
Stationary Univariate Models,
Model Selection |
Readings |
Readings |
- C, chapters 1 - 6.
- F, chapters 1-3.2.
- H, chapters 1- 3.
- MK, chapters 1 and 2.
Estimation, Forecasting
and Asymptotic Theory |
Readings |
Readings |
- F, sections 3.3-3.5.
- H, chapters 4 (pgs. 72-85, 102-113), 5 (117-126, 133-148) and 7 (main
result is Proposition 7.11)
- Diebold, F.X. (1998), "The Past and Present of
Macroeconomic Forecasting," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12,
- *Diebold, F.X. and R.S. Mariano (1995), "Comparing Predictive Accuracy," Journal
of Business and Economic Statistics, 13, 253-265.
- Mark, N. (1995), "Exchange Rates and Fundamentals:
Evidence on Long-Horizon Predictability," American Economic Review.
- Zivot, E. (1999), Lecture notes on asymptotic distribution theory.
to Univariate Nonstationary Time Series |
Readings |
Readings |
- C, chapter 10.
- F, chapters 4.
- H, chapters 15-17.
- MK, chapter3 3 and 4.
- *Campbell, J.Y. and P. Perron (1991), "Pitfalls and
Opportunities: What Macroeconomists Should Know About Unit Roots and Cointegration,"
NBER Macroeconomics Annual, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Campbell, J. and G. Mankiw (1987), "Are Output Fluctuations Transitory," Quarterly
Journal of Economics. Available in JSTOR.
- Clark. P.K. (1987), "The Cyclical Component of U.S. Economic Activity," Quarterly
Journal of Economics. Available in JSTOR.
- Cochrane, J. (1988), "How Big is the Random Walk Component in GNP," Journal
of Political Economy, No. 5. Available in JSTOR.
- *Nelson, C.R. and C.I. Plosser (1982), "Trends and Random Walks in Macroeconomic
Time Series: Some Evidence and Implications," Journal of Monetary Economics,
10, 139-162.
- *Stock, J.S. and M.Watson (1988), "Variable Trends in Economic Time Series," Journal
of Economic Perspectives, Vol 2, No. 3. Available in JSTOR.
- Zivot, E. (1999), Lecture notes on the Beveridge-Nelson decomposition.
- Morley, J., C.R. Nelson and
E. Zivot (2000), "Why are Beveridge Nelson and Unobserved
Components Decompositions of GDP so Different?". Working
paper, Department of Economics, University of Washington.
Unit Roots and Trend Breaks |
Readings |
Readings |
- F, chapter 6.
- H, chapters 8-9.
- MK, chapter 13, sections 1-5.
- Ben-David, D. and D.H. Papell (1995), "The Great Wars, the
Great Crash, and Steady State Growth: Some New Evidence About an Old Stylized Fact,"
Journal of Monetary Economics 36, 453-475.
- Campbell, J.Y. and P. Perron (1991), "Pitfalls and Opportunities: What Macroeconomists Should Know About Unit
Roots," NBER Macroeconomics Annual, Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
- Perron, P. (1993), "Trend, Unit Root and Structural Change in
Macroeconomic Time Series," in B.B. Rao (ed.) Cointegration: Expository
Essays for the Applied Economist, MacMillan.
- Phillips, P.C.B. and Z. Xiao (1997), "A Primer on Unit Root Testing,"
Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper.
- *Stock, J.S. (1995), "Unit Roots and Trend Breaks",
in Handbook of Econometrics, Vol 4.
- Vogelsang, T. (1997), "Wald-Type Tests for Detecting Breaks
in the Trend Function of a Dynamic Time Series," Econometric Theory, Vol.
13(6), 818-849.
- Zivot, E. and D.W.K. Andrews (1992), "Further Evidence on the Great Crash, the Oil
Price Shock and the Unit Root Hypothesis," Journal of Business and Economic
Statistics 10, 251-70.
- Zivot, E. (1999), Lecture notes on ADF unit root tests.
- Zivot, E. (1999), Lecture notes on PP unit root tests.
- Zivot, E. (1999), Lecture notes on structural breaks
Introduction to
Stationary VAR Models |
Readings |
Readings |
- C, chapter 7.
- F, chapter 9.
- H, chapters 10, 11.1-11.6
- Canova, F. (1994), "VAR Models: Specification, Estimation, Inference and
Forecasting," in H. Pesaran and M. Wickens (eds.), Handbook of Applied
Econometrics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
- Canova, F. (1995), "The Economics of VAR Models,"
chapter 3 in Hoover, K.D. (ed.) Macroeconometrics: Developments, Tensions, and
Prospects, Kluwer.
- Dwyer, M. (1999), Lecture notes
on stationary VARs. Department of Economics, UCLA. Note: Mark also has a bunch of
GAUSS code for the analysis of VARs.
- Lutkepohl, H. (1993), "Stable Vector Autoregressive Processes,"
chapter 2 in Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis, Second Edition.
- Lutkepohl, H. (1999), "Vector
Autoregressions," unpublished manuscript, Institut fur
Statistik und Okonometrie, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin.
- Sims, C.A. (1980), "Macroeconomics and Reality," Econometrica, 48,
1-48. Available in JSTOR.
- Sims, C.A. (1992), "Interpreting the Macroeconomic Time
Series Facts: The Effects of Monetary Policy," European Economic Review.
- Zivot, E. (1999), Lecture notes on
VARs (introduction)
Structural VAR Models |
Readings |
Readings |
- H, chapter 11, sections 1-7.
- Blanchard, O.J. and D. Quah (1989), "The Dynamic Effects of
Aggregate Demand and Supply Disturbances," American Economic Review,
79, 655-673.
- Bernanke, B. (1986), "Alternative Explanations of the
Money-Income Correlation," Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public
Policy, 25, 49-99.
- Canova, F. (1995), "The Economics of VAR Models,"
in K. Hoover (ed.), Macroeconometrics: Tensions, Developments and Prospects,
- Crowder, W.J., Dennis L. Hoffman and Robert Rasche (1994), "Identification and Inference in
Cointegrated Systems and the Specification of Structural VAR Models," forthcoming
in Review of Economics and Statistics.
- Dwyer, M (1999), Lecture notes on
structural VARs. Department of Economics, UCLA.
- Gali, J. (1992), "How Well Does the ISLM Model Fit Postwar
Data?" Quarterly Journal of Economics 107, 709-735.
- Jorda, Oscar (1999). Lecture notes on VAR modeling,
notes on dynamic modeling. (UC Davis)
- King, R.G. and M. Watson (1997), "Testing Long-Run Neutrality,"
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, Vol. 83/3.
- Levtchenkova, S., A. Pagan
and J. Robertsonm, (1999), "Shocking Stories," in M.
McAleer and L. Oxley (eds.) Practical Issues in Cointegration
Analysis, Basil Blackwell: Oxford.
- Sarte, P-D (1997), "On the
Indentification of Structural Vector Autoregressions," Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond Economic Quarterly, Vol. 83/3.
- Watson, M. (1998), Lecture notes on VAR modeling.
- Watson, M. (1995), "VARs and Cointegration"
chapter 47 (section 4) in Handbook of Econometrics, Vol 4.
- Zivot, E. (1999), Lecture notes on VARs
- Zivot, E. (1999), Lecture notes on VARs
(identification using Choleski decomposition).
- Zivot, E. (1999), Lecture notes on VARs
(identification using long-run restrictions).
Spurious Regression and Cointegration |
Readings |
Readings |
- C, chapter 11.
- F, chapter 10
- H, chapters 18; chapter 19, section 1.
- MK, chapters 5 and 7.
- Campbell, J.Y. and P. Perron (1991), "Pitfalls and
Opportunities: What Macroeconomists Should Know About Unit Roots," NBER
Macroeconomics Annual, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Dwyer, M. (1999), Lecture notes
on cointegration. Department of Economics, UCLA.
- Watson, M. (1995), "VARs and Cointegration"
chapter 47 (sections 1-3) in Handbook of Econometrics, Vol 4.
- Stock, J.S. and M.Watson (1988), "Variable Trends in Economic Time Series," Journal
of Economic Perspectives, Vol 2, No. 3. Available in JSTOR.
Examples of Cointegration |
Readings |
Readings |
None |
Inference in Cointegration Models |
Readings |
Readings |
- F, chapter 10.
- H, chapters 19 and 20.
- MK, chapter 6
- *Johansen, S. (1996), "Likelihood-based Inference for
Cointegration of Some Nonstationary Time Series," chapter 2 in D.R. Cox, D.V.
Hinkley and O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen (eds.), Times Series Models in Econometrics,
Finance and Other Fields, Chapman & Hall.
- Watson, M. (1995), "VARs and Cointegration"
chapter 47 (section 3) in Handbook of Econometrics, Vol 4.
Introduction to Univariate
Nonlinear Models
Additional Readings
- F, chapter 8
- H, chapter 22
- MK, chapter 15.
- Hansen, B. (1997), "Inference in TAR models," Studies in
Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 1(2), 1-14.
- Hansen, B. (2000), "Testing Linearity," Journal of
Economic Surveys.
- Terisverta, T. (1999), "Smooth Transition Autoregressive
- Potter, S. (2000) "", Journal of Economic Surveys
- Obstfeld, M. and A.M. Taylor (1997)