ECON 424/AMATH 462: Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics

Excel Hints
R Hints


Finance Links

Last updated: June 23, 2014

Economic and Financial Data on the Web

  • Yahoo! Finance. Great finance resource. We will get all of our data from this page. You can automatically download data into R.

  • Google Finance. Great finance resource, similar to Yahoo! Finance. You can automatically download data into R.

  • Thinknum. A powerful web platform for financial analysis. You can automatically download data into R.

  • Quandl. A great free web platform for all sorts of financial data. You can automatically download data into R.

  • Economagic. All sorts of economic and financial time series.

  • FRED. Economic and financial data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank. You can automatically download data into R.

Related Finance Courses

  • William Sharpe's homepage at the Stanford business school. Lot's of cool stuff here. Check out his online macro-investments textbook. This is good supplementary reading for Econ 483.

  • Simon Benninga's homepage at the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. Go here for supplemental information on his book Financial Modeling. He also has an extensive set of links on Excel resources.