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Curriculum Vitae

Primary fields of interest
Sociolinguistics, sociophonetics, language attitudes and folk linguistics

PhD Linguistics
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Dissertation title: Dialect contact and the Northern Cities Shift in Ypsilanti, Michigan

MA French
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

BA French
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Professional Employment
Assistant Professor of Linguistics University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 09/07 - present
Research Associate Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales 08/01 - 07/07
Instructor Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio08/94 - 5/95
Instructor The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio08/93 - 08/95
Instructor John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio01/93 - 12/93

Selected Publications

In press
With Mooney, Annabelle. Globalization: the Key Concepts. (transl.). Beijing: Peking University Press. (original published in 2007)

Seattletonian to Faux Hick: Mapping perceptions of English in WA. American Speech 86:4. 383-413.
With Imai, Terumi. "If we say English, that means America": Japanese students' perceptions of varieties of English". Language Awareness.
Vol. 20, No. 4, 315-326. Refereed journal.

Aspects of the Analysis of Imitation. In Dennis Preston and Nancy Niedzielski (Eds.), Sociophonetics Handbook. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. Invited collection.
English as official state language in Ohio: market forces trump ideology. In Helen Kelly-Holmes and Gerlinde Mautner (Eds.), Language
and the Market. London: Palgrave. 161-170.
Chinese perceptions of Inner Circle Varieties of English. World Englishes Vol. 29. No. 2. 270-280.

With Mooney, Annabelle. Globalization: the Key Concepts. (transl.). Beirut: Arabic Network for Research and Publishing.
(original published in 2007).

With Mooney, Annabelle. Globalization: the Key Concepts. London: Routledge

With Coupland, Nikolas, Hywel Bishop and Peter Garrett. Imagining Wales and the Welsh language. Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Vol. 25, No. 4. 351-376.

With Garrett, Peter, and Angie Williams. What does the word 'globalisation' mean to you?: Comparative perceptions and evaluations in
Australia, New Zealand, the USA and the UK. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Vol. 27, No. 5. 392-412.

Appalachian English in Southeast Michigan. In Dennis Preston, Carol G. Preston, and Brian Joseph (Eds.), The State Linguistic Profiles of
Michigan and Ohio. Carefree, Arizona: Caravan Books.
The Grand Daddy of English": US, UK, New Zealand and Australian students' attitudes toward varieties of English. In Nils Langer &
Winifred Davies (Eds.), Linguistic Purism in the Germanic Languages. Studia Linguistica Germanica. Berlin: De Gruyter. 240-251.
With Ito, Rika, Jamila Jones and Dennis Preston. How to get to be one kind of Midwesterner. T. Murray and B. L. Simon (eds.),
Language variation and change in the American midland. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
With Garrett, Peter and Angie Williams. Accessing social meanings: values of keywords, values in keywords. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia
37. 37-54.
With Garrett, Peter and Angie Williams. Attitudinal data from New Zealand, Australia, the USA and UK about each other's Englishes:
Recent changes or consequences of methodologies? Multilingua 24: 3. 211-235.
With Coupland, Nikolas, Hywel Bishop, Angie Williams, and Peter Garrett. Affiliation, engagement, language use and vitality: Secondary
students' subjective orientations to Welsh and Welshness. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: Vol. 8:1. 1-24.

The role of social network in the acquisition of local dialect norms by Appalachian migrants in Ypsilanti Michigan. Language Variation
and Change 16. 153-167.

With Wray, Alison, Nikolas Coupland and Hywel Bishop. Singing in Welsh, becoming Welsh: 'turfing' a 'grass roots' identity. Language
Awareness: Vol. 12: 1. 49-71.

Attitudes of Montreal students toward varieties of French. In Daniel Long and Dennis R. Preston (Eds.), Handbook of Perceptual
Dialectology II. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 71-93.
An Acoustic and Perceptual Analysis of Imitation, In Daniel Long and Dennis R. Preston (Eds.), Handbook of Perceptual Dialectology II.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 95-112.

With Preston, Dennis, Rika Ito and Jamila Jones. Change on top of Change: Social and Regional Accommodation to the Northern Cities
Chain Shift. Taal en Tongval 52, 1. 61-86.

University of Washington Department of Linguistics - A214 Padelford Hall, Box 354340 Seattle, WA 98195-4340 - evansbe@u.washington.edu