References and remarks
Week 1:
April 5-9
1.1 General introduction. Mendel's laws.
1.2 Terminology. Pedigrees.
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Audio lecture: Chapter 1 Part1

Get set up for your StatGen computing
Homework 1 due April 12
Week 2:
April 12-16
1.3 Allele and genotype frequencies;
1.3 Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
1.3 Population subdivision.
1.3 Estimating allele freqs: recessive case
1.3 Estimating allele frequencies from relatives
Audio lecture: Chapter 1 Part 2
Background on likelihood
Help on meaning of expectations
Homework 2 due April 19
Lab 1 due April 21
Week 3:
April 19-23.
1.4 Testing HWE: goodness of fit
1.4 Testing the ABO blood group models
1.5 The EM algorithm for multinomial data
1.5 EM algorithm: examples.
Homework 3 due Apr 26
Audio lecture: Chapter 1 Part 3
Week 4:
April 26-30
1.6 Haplotypes and allelic association
1.6 Estimating phase and haplotype frequencies.
1.7 Mutation, selection, and random genetic drift

2.1 Introduction to pedigrees
2.2 Kinship and inbreeding coefficients
2.2 Computation of kinship by path-counting
and by recursion.
Audio lecture: Chapter 1 Part 4
Audio lecture: Chapter 2 Part 1

Homework 4 due May 3
Lab 2: Due Wed May 5
Week 5:
May 3 -May 7
2.2 Recessive traits in inbred individuals
2.3 IBD between pairs of relatives
2.3 Triangle-representation of relationships.
2.3 Back to IBD; quadruple half first cousins.
2.4 Data on pairs of relatives
Audio lecture: Chapter 2 Part 1 (Last part)
Audio lecture: Chapter 2 Part 2 (First half)

Homework 5 due May 10
Week 6:
May 10-14
2.4 General relationship of IBD to data.

Chapter 3: Linkage and recombination
3.1 Haplotypes and allelic association.
The sources of allelic association.
Decay of allelic association over generations
Audio lecture: Chapter 2 Part 2 (Last bit)
Audio lecture: Chapter 3 Part 1

Lab 3 due May 19 (goal!) : (info updated)
Project info
Week 7: May 17-21 3.2 Counting recombinants and estimating recombination.
Testing for linkage.
3.3 Linkage designs and information
3.4 Power, sample size and information
Projects: Email 1 paragraph of thoughts about your project
Audio lecture: Chapter 3 Part 2 (Sec 3.2)
Audio lecture: Chapter 3 Part 3 (Sec 3.3,3.4)

Homework 6 due May 24
Week 8: May 24-28 3.5 Two-locus gene ibd (omit 2-locus kinship)
3.6 Homozygosity mapping
4.1 Meiosis, maps and map functions
Audio lecture: Chapter 3 Part 4 (Sec 3.5,3.6)
Audio lecture: Chapter 4 Part 1 (Sec 4.1)

Project update
Homework 7 will be due June 1
Lab 4 will be due June 2 (goal!)

Week 9: June 1-4
(May 31 is HOLIDAY)
4.2 Multilocus recombination: the HMM dependence
structure. Map-specific lod scores and the Lander-Green
algorithm. EM for genetic map estimation.
Audio lecture: Chapter 4 Part 2 (Sec 4.2)

Homework 8 due June 7
Week 10: June 7-11 4.3 Bigger pedigrees ; Elston-Stewart algorithm
4.3 SIMLINK and Monte Carlo sampling on pedigrees.
Audio lecture: Chapter 4 Part 3 (Sec 4.3)

Lab 5 due June 15.
Week 11: "Exams week" PROJECTS due June 18