Midterm 1: Feb 1, 2010: 11.30-12.20

1. The midterm is closed book; a page of reminder notes will be provided.
Bring pen, pencil, eraser, and paper to write on -- Nick will bring paper for anyone who forgets or prefers (I hope).

2. A calculator may be useful. You may bring any handheld calculator than does not connect to the outside world.
NO CELL PHONES or other internet devices.

3. The midterm will cover material up to and including P.8 of the handout notes. It will focus on estimators and their properties.
(For those who already printed out the earlier draft of the reminder notes, note that on the updated sheet all stuff relating the Gamma dns and mgf's has been removed -- that will come back for midterm-2.)

4. That is Homework 3 is the main focus; make sure you do homework 3! Homework-3 solutions will be posted Wed Jan 27: No late homeworks for homework-3.

5. In the book: the sections are 5.2 (second part: method of moments), 5.4 and 5.7.

6. It will also be important to be comfortable with expectations and variances (Book sections 3.5, 3.6, and parts of 3.9).
You will not need to compute any integrals in the exam.
Example 5.4.6 is a good one to read (P.389); for LM more "efficient" means smaller MSE.

7. I will try to post a list of useful Exx asap -- although the best ones are likely the ones in homework-3.