Homework 1: due Thursday, Jan 17, 2008
FPP, Ch 2, REVIEW EXERCISES; Pp 24-26. Nos. 1, 7
FPP, Ch 19, REVIEW EXERCISES; Pp 351-353, Nos. 1, 2, 5
On P.351. No.2, ignore the words "to see", which are misleading.
In the second survey, interviewers ask what brand is being used.
Remember to justify ALL your answers.
Homework 2: due Thursday, Jan 24, 2008
FPP, Ch 3, Exx Set A, P. 34 No. 7 and Exx Set D, P. 44. No. 1,
FPP, Ch 3, REVIEW EXERCISES, Pp 51-54, Nos. 4 parts (a),(b),(c),(e) only, 7, and 10 parts (b), (c), (d) only.
Remember to justify ALL your answers.
Homework 3: due Thursday, Jan 31, 2008
FPP (Chapter 4), REVIEW EXERCISES, Pp 74-75, Nos. 2, 3, 6, 8, 9.
In 8(b): "Estimate" means give a sensible guess.
Remember to justify ALL your answers.
Homework 4: due Thursday, Feb 7, 2008
This is a regular homework; it will be graded in the usual way.
This material will be covered in the midterm on Feb 8.
Therefore this homework contains only exercises for which the
answers are available in the book.
FPP: Chapter 5: Set C (P.88) No. 2; Set E (P.92) No. 3;
FPP: Chapter 8: Set A (P.124) No. 6; Set B (P. 128) Nos 1,2;
In these chapter 8 questions: ``correlation'' means same as ``association''.
Remember to justify ALL your answers.
Homework 5: due Thursday, Feb 14, 2008
FPP Chapter 8: P.134-138, REVIEW EXERCISES, Nos 1, 7, 8.
FPP Chapter 9: P.153-155, REVIEW EXERCISES, Nos 2, 8.
(Note the P. 134 No 1 question is REVIEW EXX NOT set D)
Remember to justify ALL your answers.
Homework 6: due Thursday, Feb 21, 2008
FPP Chapter 10: P.176-177, REVIEW EXERCISES, Nos 3, 7, 9.
FPP Chapter 11: P.198-199, REVIEW EXERCISES, Nos 3, 4.
Remember one way to think about the SD is the "typical" deviation from the mean.
Remember to justify ALL your answers.
Homework 7: Due Thursday, Feb 28, 2008
FPP Chapter 16: P.285-286, REVIEW EXERCISES. Nos 1,4,7;
FPP Chapter 18: P 328, REVIEW EXERCISES. Nos 7, 8.
Remember to justify ALL your answers.
Homework 8: due Thursday, Mar 6, 2008
FPP Chapter 17: P.304-305, REVIEW EXERCISES. Nos. 1, 4
(In No. 1, the average of the box is 7 and the SD is 3)
FPP Chapter 20: P.372-373, REVIEW EXERCISES. Nos. 5, 11, 12
(In No. 5, a ton is 2000 pounds)
Remember to justify ALL your answers.