Loki Version 2.4.5

Monte Carlo analysis of multiple QTL

Loki Home Page

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Loki is a package developed by Simon C. Heath. Loki analyses a quantitative trait observed on large pedigrees using Markov chain Monte Carlo multipoint linkage and segregation analysis. The trait may be determined by multiple loci. The package is based on work originally done at University of Edinburgh, UK, and developed at University of Washington under NIH grant GM-46255, Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Traits. The package is newly released (December, 1997). The directory contains a single tar file. After downloading and extracting, consult the README file in the directory created which provides instructions for installing the program, using the Makefile. Documentation is in the subdirectory docs. Questions may be addressed to Simon Heath .

Updated versions of Loki Version 2.1 released March 1998, and July 1998.

Loki Version 2.3 released November, 2000.

Loki Version 2.4 released August, 2002.

Loki Version 2.4.5 released March, 2003.
Name Description Size
loki_2.4.5.tar.gz The program file, tar'ed and gzipped 774kb

Release history here.

UW - Statistics: Thursday, 25-Jul-19 Contact: Elizabeth Thompson <eathomp@u.washington.edu>