Vitae (abbreviated) May 2017
Education University of California at Santa
Barbara, B.A. (1972), Anthropology Cornell University, M.A. (1976),
Ph.D. (1980), Anthropology
Professional Employment 2013-present
Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, U of
Washington 1993-2012 Professor, Department of Anthropology, U of
Washington 2002-03 Associate Director, Center for
Studies in Demography & Ecology 1996-2000 Director, Graduate
Program in Environmental Anthropology, U of Washington 1986-1993
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, U of
Washington 1987-1990 Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of
Anthropology, U of Washington 1980-1986 Assistant Professor, Department
of Anthropology, U of Washington
Funded Research
- Co-P.I., National Institute for Mathematical and
Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS): Working group on "Emergence of Hierarchy and Leadership in Mammalian
Societies" (2013-2015)
- Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology
seed grant: Emergence of inequality: Agent-based models and empirical
evaluations, $32,390 (2010-11)
- Co-P.I., National Science Foundation IGERT Grant
BCS-0314284: Model-based approaches to biological and cultural
evolution, $3,072,617 (DGE-0549425; joint program with Washington State
U.; Tim Kohler, PI; sub-award to UW Anthropology = $947,898)
- P.I., National Science Foundation Grant BCS-0314284:
Evolutionary game theory and agent-based modeling, $49,994
- Co-P.I., National Science Foundation Grant BCS-0314406:
The ecology of production, reproduction, and cooperation among the
Mardu," $275,000 (2003-2005)
- P.I., National Science Foundation Grant SBR-9616096:
Meriam Foraging & Reproductive Strategies, $190,000
- P.I., National Science Foundation Grant SBR-9616887:
Ethnoarchaeology of Marine Foraging among the Meriam, $100,000
- Royalty Research Fund, University of Washington:
Evolutionary game theory and agent-based modeling (2001-02)
- NSF Dissertation Improvement Grants (10 doctoral
students, 2001-2012)
- EPA STAR fellowships (2 doctoral students)
- Wenner-Gren Foundation (1 doctoral student) and
Fulbright Awards (2 doctoral students)
(For more information, see Research
Publications: see separate list
Selected Conference Presentations and Invited
Papers (2000 and later only)
- "Cooperative turtle hunting and sharing among the
Meriam." Invited paper in symposium on "Evolutionary approaches to
human cooperative hunting," organized by Michael Alvard. American
Anthropological Association, annual meeting (San Francisco, November
- "Signaling generosity and willingness to punish," Human
Behavior and Evolution Society, 12th Annual Meeting (Amherst College,
June 2000)
- MacArthur workshop on evolutionary economics and strong
reciprocity, Santa Fe Institute (Santa Fe, March 2001)
- "Why do good hunters have higher reproductive
success?," Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 13th Annual Meeting
(University College London, June 2001)
- "Human cooperation: perspectives from behavioral
ecology," Dahlem Conference on “Genetic and Cultural Evolution of
Cooperation” (Berlin, June 2002)
- "Why do better hunters have higher reproductive
success?" Invited paper in symposium on "Human Behavioral
Ecology," American Anthropological Association, (New Orleans, November
- "Communication and collective action." Invited plenary
address, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 15th Annual Meeting (U of
Nebraska, June 2003)
- "Language and patterns of human cooperation." Invited
paper for presidential symposium on "Evolutionary approaches to
cooperation and competition," American Anthropological Association
(Chicago, November 2003)
- "Reputation, signaling, and collective action."
Evolution and Behavior Colloquium Series, U of New Mexico, Depts. of
Anthropology, Biology, and Psychology (February 2004)
- "The emergence of inequality in small-scale societies:
Simple scenarios and agent-based simulations," Santa Fe Institute
Workshop (October 2004)
- "Modeling the emergence of inequality: Evolutionary
game theory and agent-based simulations," Stanford Institute for
Research in the Social Sciences: Workshop on Ecology and Health
(November 2004)
- Co-organizer and chair, Presidential Session on
"Evolution of Inequality," and presenting paper on "Patrons, clients and
managerial specialists: Agent-based models and evolutionary game
theory," American Anthropological Association (San Jose, November
- "The evolution of inequality: game-theoretical and
simulation models." European Human Behaviour and Evolution Conference
(London, March 2007)
- "The evolution of inequality in Native North America:
preliminary tests of game-theoretical and simulation models." Talk at
Centre on Evolution of Cultural Diversity (University College London,
March 2007)
- "Why are humans
so cooperative? Signaling, reputation and symbolic communication."
Trilience Conference on Biological Origins of Human Group Behavior
(Caltech, November 2008)
- "Large-scale
cooperation in small-scale societies." Behavior, Evolution, and
Cognition Seminar Series (UCLA, May 2010)
- Invited presentation to Roundtable on "Advocacy and
Science in Evolutionary Anthropology," American Anthropological
Association, (New Orleans, November 2010)
- "(How) do ecology and institutions shape wealth
transmission and inequality? Cross-cultural analayses," Santa Fe
Institute Workshop (February 2012)
- "The emergence
of inequality in small-scale societies," NIMBioS Workshop on Human
Ultra-sociality (Knoxville TN, February 2012)
institutions and wealth transmission: SFI and SCSS datasets
compared." Santa Fe
Institute Workshop on Inter-generational Transmission of Wealth in
Pre-modern Societies (Santa Fe, February 2013)
Professional Service
- Associate Editor, Evolutionary Anthropology
- Associate Editor, Human Nature: Biosocial
Perspectives (2000-present)
- Editor Advisory Board, Evolution and Human Behavior
- Associate Director, UW Center for Studies in
Demography and Ecology (2002-03)
- Senior review panel, Cultural Anthropology Program,
National Science Foundation (2002-2005)
- Advisory Board, Short Courses on Research Methods in
Cultural Anthropology, Duke University/NSF (2004-2012)
- President, Evolutionary Anthropology Society, American
Anthropological Association (2005-07)
- Program Committee, Human Behavior & Evolution Society (2000 and
- Publications Committee Chair, Human Behavior & Evolution Society
Teaching (recent offerings)*
- ANTH 210: Environmental Anthropology
- ANTH 310: Native North America
- ANTH/BIOL 320: Game theory, evolution, and behavior
(with Carl Bergstrom)
- ANTH 424: Hunter-Gatherer Societies
- ANTH 457: Ecological Anthropology
- BIO A 470: Evolution of Human Social Behavior
- BIOA 475: Environmental impacts of small-scale
societies (with Don Grayson)
- BIO A 520: Human Behavioral Ecology
- ANTH 570: Environmental Anthropology
*(Note that I am now retired from teaching; for
more information on my past teaching, see teaching