In the world: There are currently 7,106 documented living languages (The Ethnologue 2014). The US Department of State recognizes 195 countries. Most of the world's population is bilingual or multilingual.

In the United States: According to the 2000 U.S. Census (the last time the language question was asked), 47 million people (18% of the population) age 5 and over speak a language other than English at home. Of those 55% speak English very well.

In Washington State: According to UW's Department of Sociology's Beyond High School Project 25% of high-school seniors report growing up in dual language homes.

The course offers several perspectives on bilingualism. From personal to global, from the linguistic aspects of code-switching to cultural aspects of living in two langauges. We examine how bilingual children acquire two languages, consider the experiences of bilingual adults, and study bilingualism as a societal phenomenon (diglossia and language choice, language policies, linguistic identity, language rights, linguistic minorities, etc.). Students do not need to speak a Slavic language. Language maintenance and linguistic diversity in the Pacific Northwest are important topics of the course.

Cross-listed with Honors 211 C.

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Last modified: 12/27/2012 11:15 PM