
Previous lectures can be found on the websites for each specific class or posted to Canvas.  A list of Prof. Dimpsey class websites can be found here
Some invited presentations made in addition to those associated with papers
  1. Executive Business Conferences, numerous customer executive reviews on Microsoft’s technical strategy on Azure, Middleware, Web Services, and Workflow
  2. Microsoft TechReady 13, “Microsoft’s Middleware Strategy and Roadmap”, Seattle, WA, July 2011.
  3. Microsoft Interoperability Executive Customer Council, “AppFabric and WCF”, Seattle, WA, May 2011.
  4. Microsoft MVP Summit, “AppFabric: Microsoft’s Middleware Strategy – Key Note Address”, Seattle, WA, February 2011.
  5. Microsoft Interoperability Executive Customer Council, “Web Services Interoperability”, Seattle, WA, May 2010.
  6. Interoperability Executive Customer Council, “Data Models, SOA, and WS-*”, Seattle, WA, October 2009.
  7. IBM WebSphere Enterprise Business Conference, “WebSphere ICS Performance”, October 2003, Orlando FL,
  8. IBM WARP Server SMP Performance, COMMON Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 1996.
  9. Cost-performance versus Dependability in the Design of General-purpose Computer Systems, IEEE International Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium, Erlangen, Germany, April 1995.
  10. Limits to Processor Performance, IBM Academy Annual Meeting, Boca Raton, FA, November 1995.
  11. AIX SMP Performance Seminar, IBM European Technical Exchange, Munich, Germany, 1994.