- PI
- Subhadeep Gupta
- Post Docs
- Daniel Allman
- Graduate Students
- Tahiyat Rahman
- Cole Williams
- Emmett Hough
- Harini Ravi
- Undergraduate Students
- Richard Kim
- Ian Wang
- Forest Tschirhart
"Why won't it work?"
Will Dowd brings to our lab the unusual and highly coveted ability to communicate with electronic circuits. He claims that these circuits have "feelings" and that some of them like him, others hate him, and yet others view him with an air of cold superiority. This knowledge hasn't stopped him from frequently gouging these circuits with hot [and, frankly, frightening -Ed.] soldering irons.
Will is a very intense, yet stable individual. It is this unique combination of traits that has made him a perfect match for designing intensity stabilisation controllers for our lab. However, he possesses many other fine qualities, which means that he will be of use long after he builds the "stability intensification" controllers he seems destined to make next.
Will thinks the spectrum analyser is one of the good guys.