Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Gases
at the University of Washington
The Group
Subhadeep Gupta
Post Docs
Daniel Allman
Graduate Students
Tahiyat Rahman
Cole Williams
Emmett Hough
Harini Ravi
Undergraduate Students
Richard Kim
Ian Wang
Forest Tschirhart
Group News
Dynamics of Feshbach molecules paper submitted (July 12)
Ricky Roy joins the group. Welcome! (June 12)
Will and Alan give talks, the group presents two posters at the DAMOP conference in Anaheim, CA. Ben P-S gets an APS travel award for DAMOP (June 12)
Alex receives the UW Physics Miller prize. Congrats! (May 12)
Ben S presents a poster at the UW undergrad research symposium (May 12)
Ben S awarded a NASA-SURP fellowship for summer research. Congrats! (May 12)
We are awarded a grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (March 12)
Ben Schwyn wins a UW Mary Gates Research Scholarship. Congrats! (Dec 11)
Laser-driven Sisyphus cooling proposal paper submitted (Oct 11, PRA Dec 11)
173Yb cooled to below Fermi temp (Sep 11)
Charlie Fieseler joins the group as a summer REU student. Welcome! (June 11)
Alan gets an APS travel award for DAMOP 2011 (June 11)
Will wins the UW Physics Weis prize. Congrats! (May 11)
Double degeneracy paper submitted (May 11, PRA(R) July 11)
BEC of 174Yb in 1064nm trap (April 11)
Vlad moves to new position in UW Madison (March 11)
BEC interferometry theory paper submitted (March 11, PRA Oct 11)
LiYb symp cooling paper submitted (Jan 11, PRL April 11)
Frank returns to Dusseldorf (Nov 10)
PA resonances - Li*Li dimers in an ODT (Oct 10)
We win a NIST Precision Measurement Grant (Sep 10)
Frank Muenchow arrives for a 5 month visit (June 10)
Jiawen and Jason present posters at the UW undergraduate symposium (May 10)
Anders wins the UW Physics Weis prize. Congrats! (May 10)
Our first quantum gas - Fermi degeneracy in 6Li achieved (April 10)
Simultaneous optical trapping of Li and Yb achieved (March 10)
Optical Trapping of Li (Dec 09)
First Yb green MOT (Sep 09)
First Yb blue MOT (June 09)
Alex wins an NSERC fellowship. Congrats! (April 09)
First Li (red) MOT (Mar 09)
Post-doc Vlad Ivanov joins group (Feb 09)