- PI
- Subhadeep Gupta
- Post Docs
- Daniel Allman
- Graduate Students
- Tahiyat Rahman
- Cole Williams
- Emmett Hough
- Harini Ravi
- Undergraduate Students
- Richard Kim
- Ian Wang
- Forest Tschirhart
Group News
- Dynamics of Feshbach molecules paper submitted (July 12)
- Ricky Roy joins the group. Welcome! (June 12)
- Will and Alan give talks, the group presents two posters at the DAMOP conference in Anaheim, CA. Ben P-S gets an APS travel award for DAMOP (June 12)
- Alex receives the UW Physics Miller prize. Congrats! (May 12)
- Ben S presents a poster at the UW undergrad research symposium (May 12)
- Ben S awarded a NASA-SURP fellowship for summer research. Congrats! (May 12)
- We are awarded a grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (March 12)
- Ben Schwyn wins a UW Mary Gates Research Scholarship. Congrats! (Dec 11)
- Laser-driven Sisyphus cooling proposal paper submitted (Oct 11, PRA Dec 11)
- 173Yb cooled to below Fermi temp (Sep 11)
- Charlie Fieseler joins the group as a summer REU student. Welcome! (June 11)
- Alan gets an APS travel award for DAMOP 2011 (June 11)
- Will wins the UW Physics Weis prize. Congrats! (May 11)
- Double degeneracy paper submitted (May 11, PRA(R) July 11)
- BEC of 174Yb in 1064nm trap (April 11)
- Vlad moves to new position in UW Madison (March 11)
- BEC interferometry theory paper submitted (March 11, PRA Oct 11)
- LiYb symp cooling paper submitted (Jan 11, PRL April 11)
- Frank returns to Dusseldorf (Nov 10)
- PA resonances - Li*Li dimers in an ODT (Oct 10)
- We win a NIST Precision Measurement Grant (Sep 10)
- Frank Muenchow arrives for a 5 month visit (June 10)
- Jiawen and Jason present posters at the UW undergraduate symposium (May 10)
- Anders wins the UW Physics Weis prize. Congrats! (May 10)
- Our first quantum gas - Fermi degeneracy in 6Li achieved (April 10)
- Simultaneous optical trapping of Li and Yb achieved (March 10)
- Optical Trapping of Li (Dec 09)
- First Yb green MOT (Sep 09)
- First Yb blue MOT (June 09)
- Alex wins an NSERC fellowship. Congrats! (April 09)
- First Li (red) MOT (Mar 09)
- Post-doc Vlad Ivanov joins group (Feb 09)