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Reviews of  Astrobiology: A Very Short Introduction by David C. Catling


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Reviews of Astrobiology: A Very Short Introduction

Astrobiology VSI book coverDavid C. Catling (2013) Astrobiology: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press.


Reports of the National Center for Science Education (book review by Dr. David Morrison, then Director, Carl Sagan Center, SETI Institute, California), vol 34, November-December, 2014

"...splendid introduction to the co-evolution of life and the environment...excellent summary of the conditions on Venus, Mars and the icy worlds of the outer Solar System...His writing is clear, compact and elegant...It is a book to be savored, not skimmed."

Full review: click here.

) review by Cary Neeper, author, April, 2017. 
( is a resource with "interesting articles relating to space, astronomy, scifi and entertainment").

"I hesistate to review this extraordinary book because it is so good."

Full review: click here.

3) The Guardian newspaper, Jan 3, 2014

" An engaging and well-written book for those who want to learn more about this emerging scientific field"

Full review: click here.

4) Choice Magazine (book review by Prof. Paul K. Strother of Boston College, MA), vol. 51 no. 12, August, 2014. (Choice Magazine reviews books that are useful for students and is aimed at US librarians and college teachers).

"...a student whose first exposure to astrobiology was through this text would stand a good chance of comprehending very quickly some of the principal arguments that are debated today in the primary literature. This work would be perfect as a supplementary text to an introductory course; this reviewer plans to assign it in his freshman class on the origins of life. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Lower-division undergraduates and general readers. "

Full review: click here

The book is amongst  CHOICE's "Outstanding Academic Titles, 2014".

Geological Journal (book review by Prof. Stephen K. Donovan (Paleontologist), Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands), May 2015. (Geological Journal, 9999; doi: 10.1002/gj.2690.)

"...easy and a joy to read, perhaps unexpectedly so considering its esoteric subject...I recommend it to everyone interested in the Earth and its environ in the broadest sense.

Full review: click here

) Astrobiology Society of Great Britain (book review by Arthur Smalley of Leicester University, UK), Mar 31, 2014

    "I found this book to be an excellent introduction to the  subject of astrobiology".

Full review: click here.

7) Contemporary Physics (book review by Prof. Peter V. E. McClintock of  University of Lancaster, UK), June, 2014

"This is an excellent short introduction. It is well and economically written, punctuated by shafts of humour. It provides an accessible presentation of a vast swathe of science relevant to life in the Universe, includes plenty of references and suggestions for further reading, and is full of interesting insights. It freely admits to what is not yet known (a lot) and oftcn offers altcrnative, rival, explanations of observations. "

Full review: click here (behind a paywall).

8) Chemistry World, Royal Society of Chemistry (book review by Sophie Nixon of the University of Edinburgh), February, 2014

"I particularly enjoyed the chapter on life in our solar system, in which the author gives a longer list of planetary bodies that may carry life than the typical handful, and with compelling reasoning ...highly recommended. "

Full review: click here

Keywords: Astrobiology, popular books, Exobiology, extraterrestrial life, planetary science, life on other planets, origin of life, what is life?, life on Mars, habitable planets, habitable exoplanets, Drake equation, SETI, Venus, Ceres, Europa, Enceladus, Titan, Triton, Pluto

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