ATMS 555, ESS 581, ASTRO 555
Planetary Atmospheres

Notes & Slides:

Lecture Notes:
(Note links will become active, i.e., with something behind them, as we go along)

Week 1: 1.0-1.1 Categories of planetary atmospheres, Hydrostatics, Composition and Equation of state

Week 1-2: 1.1.2 Column abundance: Mars ozone and water1.1.3 Convection, Stability, PBL, Condensables and clouds

L1 Atmospheric structure
L2 Convection and condensables

1.1.4 Water on other planets: Mars, Venus, and Jupiter(s))

1.1.4 Titan's methane cycle  Sanchez et al (2004) -- a tutorial on clouds in planetary atmospheres, from clouds on Earth to 'silicate rock vapor' clouds on Hot Jupiters

L3: Condensables Continued


L4: Energy sources and orbits,   L5:Rad_Transfer_coordinates, quantitiesL6: Extinction, scattering, Vis-UVL7: Rad transfer: IR

1.2 Planetary Energy Sources. Stellar radiation. Orbits. Climate feedbacks and sensitivity. Radiative time constants.

1.3 Radiation theory; Visible and UV transfer;

Mars case study in UV

1.3.3 Radiation theory and application: Infrared radiative transfer  ; (for the math-challenged: recap on Integrating Factors)

Basic concepts for radiative-convective equilibrium: Skin temperature and some radiative-convective thought experiments

1.3.5 Radiative-Convective equilibrium; A glimpse at the runaway greenhouse

A simple derivation of the runaway greenhouse limit

The following is a reading assignment. Please read Sec. 2.5 in the following, which concerns molecular absorption/emission (useful for Homework 3):
Section 2.5 from David C. Catling and James F. Kasting (2017) Atmospheric Evolution on Inhabited and Lifeless Worlds, Cambridge University Press.
To complement the reading, we will do some problems in class concerning the material in the reading.

1.4 Planetary Atmospheric Chemistry Principles. An overview of Earth's stratosphere+troposphere and Venus

1.4 Appendix: "Term Symbols" and Atomic States: Quantum Chemistry

1.4.5 Atmospheric Chemistry on Mars

WEEK 7,8:
1.4.6, 1.4.7 Atmospheric Chemistry: Titan, Giant Planets

1.8 Atmospheric Escape, Part 1 - The range of processes

1.8 Atmospheric Escape, Part II: Limiting flux. Escape on Earth, Mars, Venus, Titan

2.0 Atmospheric Origins and Evolution. 2.1 Planet formation 2.2 Early Earth 2.3 Earth's atmospheric evolution

2.4 Atmospheric Evolution on Mars, 2.5 Evolution On Venus and the Runaway Greenhouse

Some reading on early Mars' atmospheric evolution: Catling (2014) Mars Atmosphere: History and Surface Interactions;  Carr (2012) The Fluvial History of Mars.

Some light reading on early Earth's atmospheric evolution: Catling (2013) From slime to the sublime, Chapter 4 of Astrobiology: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford Univ. Press.
Some reading on planetary atmosphere dynamics: Showman et al. (2010) Atmospheric circulation of exoplanets

General reading on Planetary Atmospheres: Catling (2015) Planetary Atmospheres review/tutorial.

3.0-3.3 Dynamics: Eqns, Geostrophic balance, Rossby No., Cyclostrophic balance

3.4-3.5: More Dynamics: Jets, Hadley circulation
3.5 (Continued) conceptual tools of fluid dynamics; instabilities; unexplained puzzles of planetary circulations