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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

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seqframes · WikiRoiPac

====== Merging Multiple Frames ====== If your area of interest lies on the boundary between two sequential SAR frames (or you want to produce an interferogram spanning several frames), you can use the ''make_raw'' function to merge any number of sequential frames. Note that this will only work for frames on the same track/orbit; it cannot be done across multiple tracks. - Download and prepare the data for all the frames of interest, renaming for use in ROI_PAC. Make sure that the ''IMAGERY*'' and ''SARLEADER*'' files are named with the full timestamp down to 0.001 second (the full timestamp is ''YYYYMMDDhhmmsssss''). - Put all the ''IMAGERY*'' and ''SARLEADER*'' files for the master (earlier) SAR sequence into a directory named for the date of that orbit, i.e. ''//YYYYMMDD//''. Repeat for the slave sequence. You should now have two directories containing equal numbers of files. - Run ''make_raw.pl'' in the master and slave directories in turn, using the earliest SARLEADER file (which can be identified by examining the ''hhmmss.sss'' string at the end of the filenames):\\ ''$ make_raw.pl ODR SARLEADER//YYYYMMDDhhmmsssss YYYYMMDD//''\\ Later frames will be appended to form one large file. - **Note that attempting to process files larger than 2GB may cause problems in ROI_PAC.** If you merged two frames and your area of interest is on the border between two frames, it is better to trim the file before processing. To do this you can modify the ''*.raw.rsc'' files that have been output for both the master and slave frame sequences. Change the ''YMIN'' and ''YMAX'' values to the rows at which you want to start and stop processing. For example, if you want the total processed area to be the size of a normal SAR scene, but centered on the border between the two frames, the ''YMIN'' and ''YMAX'' values should be 1/4 and 3/4 of the total number of rows in the amalgamated file, respectively. **The ''YMIN'' and ''YMAX'' values in both the master and slave ''*.raw.rsc'' files should match!** - Run ''process_2pass'' as you normally would.

seqframes.txt · Last modified: 2007/03/08 23:54 by bphilibo