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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

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roipac:scripts:makeraw · WikiRoiPac

====== make_raw.pl ====== The ''make_raw'' script will prepare the files for processing in ROI_PAC, performing an initial check of the file, reformatting the data, locating the appropriate orbit file, and performing a Doppler computation. Its usage is as follows: <code> $ make_raw.pl ORBIT_TYPE SARLEADER_FILE DATE </code> You can also run ''make_raw.pl'' with no arguments to see a detailed usage page. Move to the directory containing the master SAR scene and run the following command: <code> $ make_raw.pl ODR SARLEADER19970104 19970104 </code> Repeat in the directory of the slave SAR scene, adjusting the date and filename appropriately. You are now ready to produce an interferogram.

roipac/scripts/makeraw.txt · Last modified: 2007/05/08 01:48 (external edit)