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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

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roipac:process:parameter_details · WikiRoiPac

====== Parameter File Details ====== ^ Required Parameters ^ Description ^ |SarDir1 | Directory containing raw SAR data for first scene| |SarDir2 | Directory containing raw SAR data for second scene| |IntDir | Directory containing interferometric output files| ^ Optional Parameters ^ Description ^ Optional Values ^ Default Value ^ Usage ^ |SimDir | Directory containing topographic simulation output files | | SIM | You can use a DEM to remove the effects of topography from your interferogram | |DEM | Full path to Digital Elevation Model (DEM) used to remove topography | | NULL | | |GeoDir | Directory containing tectonic simulation output files | | GEO | | |FilterStrength | Strength of the filter used in the processing. | 0-1 | 0.75 | | |UnwrappedThreshold | Determines the extent of unwrapping. Connected regions with a magnitude greater than the threshold as found in the file *.msk are included in the unwrapping process. | 0-1 | 0.1 | | |OrbitType | Type of orbit file, either precise orbits (PRC) or Delft orbits (ODR) | PRC, ODR | ODR | | |BaselineType | Given to discriminate baseline estimation technique | | OrbitType | | |Rlooks_sim | Specifies the number of looks to take when averaging the raw SAR data. | | 4 | | |Rlooks_int | | | Rlooks_sim | | |Rlooks_unw | | | Rlooks_sim | | |Rlooks_sml | | | 16 | | |pixel_ratio | pixel size ratio of azimuth/range | | 5 | | |Alooks_sml | Defined as (pixel_ratio X Rlooks_sml) | | 80 | | |before_z_ext | | | 1500 | | |after_z_ext | | | 1500 | | |near_rng_ext | | | 700 | | |far_rng_ext | | | 0 | | |usergivendop1 | User defined doppler value for scene 1 | | 0 | | |usergivendop2 | User defined doppler value for scene 2 | | 0 | | |unw_seedx | x coordinate where the phase unwrapping begins. The default places the seed in the middle of the image. | | -9999 | If the process finishes, but creates a blank interferogram, it may have began unwrapping at a bad point. Choose a well correlated point from the filt file. | |unw_seedy | y coordinate where the phase unwrapping begins. The default places the seed in the middle of the image. | | -9999 | | |x_start | Specifies the range offset in pixels between the two SAR scenes. The default value signals the processing to use the estimated range offset calculated from the a priori orbit information. | | 0.01 | | |y_start | Specifies the azimuth offset in pixels between the two SAR scenes. The default value signals the processing to use the estimated azimuth offset calculated from the a priori orbit information. | | 0.01 | | |flattening | Used to specify the method of flattening. Set this variable to "orbit" if you do not have a DEM or other model simulation. Set to "topo" to re-estimate the baseline information using a DEM and/or other model information. | orbit, topo | orbit | | |Threshold_mag | Defines an amplitude threshold when producing a mask during the unwrapping. This helps to reduce side effects on the edges of the radar scene where amplitudes are small. (0=unwrap everywhere) | 0-0.00005 | 5.0e-5 | | |Threshold_ph_grd | | | 0 | | |sigma_thresh | | | 1.0 | | |smooth_width | Specifies the size of the filter window in range and azimuth used when creating the phase gradient mask | | 5 | | |slope_width | | | 5 | | |concurrent_roi | Allows SAR processor to work on both SAR scenes simultaneously. | yes, no | no | | |mapping | | dem_based | dem_based | | |cleanup | Remove intermediate files when finished | yes, no | no | | |CO_MODEL | Specifies a Coseismic model used in flattening. Make sure to set "flattening=topo". Read the instructions for INTER_MODEL for details about naming input files. | | NULL | | |INTER_MODEL | Specifies an Interseismic model used in flattening. Make sure to set "flattening=topo" for this option. Provide three data files for each component of displacement along with three resource files. ROI_PAC will expect the files to be named XE, XE.rsc, XN, XN.rsc, XU, and XU.rsc for the east, north, and vertical components, respectively, where the "X" can be a user defined prefix specified by the INTER_MODEL parameter. | | NULL | | |Filt_method | Specify type of filter used | psfilt, adapt_filt | psfilt | | |unw_method | Specify unwrapping method. Bridge.pl is only compatible with the "old" unwrapping method. | old, icu | old | | Example file param.txt: SarDir1=920610 SarDir2=980509 IntDir=920610-980509 DEM=/full/path/to/dem/location.dem unw_seedx=981 unw_seedy=254 flattening=topo INTER_MODEL=/path/to/seismic/model_

roipac/process/parameter_details.txt · Last modified: 2007/05/08 03:02 (external edit)