InSAR Investigation of Surface Deformations due to Oil and Gas Extraction Methods

Grant Aivazian
University of Washington- Seattle
Department of Physics

Project Table of Contents

The purpose of this project was to investigate the use of InSAR imagery to map surface deformations associated with oil and natural gas extraction. It was found that indeed these changes can be seen with satellite data, and for one well a correlation was found between the time series of the surface deformation and the monthly oil extraction rates. Obviously, more data needs to be analyzed, but InSAR can be a valuable tool for monitoring petroleum well activity.

Petroleum Reservoir Drilling
Introduction to InSAR
Previous InSAR Studies
Powder River Basin Wells
Methodology and InSAR Scenes
InSAR Data
Conclusion and Future Work

Another caption for this image

Syntax Primer

grant/main.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/10 16:49 by aivazian
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