
Kuril Biocomplexity Project


U.W. researchers involved: J. Bourgeois, B. MacInnes, M.E. Martin

(look for a new website coming soon)

Digging a peat excavation to look for paleotsunami deposits on Matua Island

Recently erupted volcano, Sarychev Peak, in 2010

Kamchatka Archaeology


U.W. researchers involved: J. Bourgeois, S. La Selle  

International Circumpolar Archaeology Project Homepage

Artifacts found near Stolbovaya, Kamchatka


Puget Lowland Paleoseismology


U.W. researchers involved: J. Bourgeois, M.E. Martin



Submerged cedar, Sinclair Inlet


Thailand Paleotsunamis


U.W. researchers involved: B. Atwater, M.E. Martin


Tsunami deposits (white) from 2004 and older events in peat (brown) Phra Thong Island, Thailand


Kamchatka Paleotsunamis


U.W. researchers involved: J. Bourgeois, B. MacInnes, M.E. Martin, B. Higman

Peat excavation in Avacha Bay


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