September 22, 1999
Has anyone ever told you to put on socks when you go to bed? Did they
tell you it would help you fall asleep? Now there is evidence that there
is some truth to this advice.
Researchers at the Chronobiology and Sleep Laboratory in Basel,
Switzerland, reported in the September 2, 1999 issue of the journal
Nature (vol. 401, pages 36-37) that the degree of blood vessel
dilation of the hands and feet are the best predictors for rapid sleep
onset. The dilation of the blood vessels ("vasodilation") in the hands
and feet increases the amount of heat loss. This heat loss causes a
redistribution of heat throughout body and is thought to cause changes
prepare people for sleep.
In the experiment, the Swiss researchers did NOT ask people to wear socks
to bed. Rather, they examined the relationships between hand/feet
temperature, core body temperature, heart rate, melatonin levels and the
time it took men to fall asleep. The data showed that the greater the
vasodilation of the hands and feet, the shorter the time that was required
to fall asleep.
It is possible that heating the feet (or hands) provides the brain with a
signal that it is time to sleep. The researchers suggest that this
mechanism may underlie an old sleep aid: a hot water bottle placed near
the feet.
Presumably, the hot water bottle warms up the feet and causes vasodilation
which results in heat loss. The heat loss then signals
the brain:
"Time to
Not only does this research provide an explanation for why warm feet may
help people fall asleep faster, but it suggests ways of helping people
with some sleep disorders. It is possible that some sleep disorders are
related to problems with vasodilation. Perhaps socks, mittens or a hot
water bottle would provide a "jump start" to the heat loss process and
help these people get to sleep.