Imagine listening to a funny joke, then in the middle of laughing, your
legs suddenly buckle and you are unable to move for the next several
minutes. Maybe you are in class, but you are
incredibly drowsy and finally just can't stay awake even though you had
plenty of sleep the night before. These are examples of what people with
narcolepsy experience.
People with narcolepsy have trouble staying awake; they often feel
drowsy and fall asleep, even in the middle of the day, sometime in the
middle of activities that produce strong emotions. It is thought that
narcolepsy occurs when rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
occurs while people are awake. Although the cause of narcolepsy is
unknown, it does occasionally run in families. If one person in a family
has the disorder, another relative may be susceptible to developing it if
certain environmental triggers occur.
- Excessive daytime sleepiness: people may fall
asleep when they are
doing a boring task or when they are working alone. These sleep attacks
may become more frequent and occur at inappropriate and
dangerous times such as when they are driving a car.
- Cataplexy: sudden loss of muscle tone. Loss of
muscle tone in the legs may cause a person to fall down. In people with
normal sleep/wake functioning, loss of muscle tone is associated
exclusively with REM sleep.
- Sleep paralysis: lack of muscle tone in which
people cannot move their limbs immediately after waking up or just before
they fall asleep.
- Hypnagogic hallucinations: dreamlike
visual, auditory or tactile hallucinations in which elements of the
waking world are incorporated just before falling asleep.
Treatment Medications such as stimulants (amphetamines, Ritalin)
that increase alertness are often used to treat narcolepsy. However,
stimulants may cause side effects including headaches, nervousness, and
mood changes. Antidepressant medication is also used to treat narcolepsy.
A new drug called Provigil was
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in late 1998. Provigil
promotes wakefulness and appears to have fewer side effects than
stimulants such as
In the Sleep Clinic at Stanford University, Doberman dogs that have
narcolepsy are bred. Work with these animals has led to the discovery of
the gene for narcolepsy.
Fast Facts
- Humans spend approximately 1/3 of their lives asleep.
- Narcolepsy is a lifelong disorder that affects approximately 1 in
every 2000 people in the US.
- Many people with narcolepsy go through their lives undiagnosed.
- Symptoms of narcolepsy are usually first seen during the adolescent
- Narcolepsy has been observed in humans and a few other species of
animals, including dogs.
- Narcolepsy has both genetic and sporadic forms.
- The severity of the disorder varies from person to person.
- Narcoleptics have 10 times the rate of automobile accidents as
- A description of narcolepsy in a mother and a son dates back to 1887.