October 3, 2005
Methamphetamine is an illegal drug that stimulates the central nervous
system. By altering chemical communication in the brain, methamphetamine
can produce feelings of pleasure. However, these feelings come with a
price. Hyperthemia (increased body temperature) and convulsions caused by
the drug can kill users. Small doses of methamphetamine can also injure
the brain by damaging nerve cells that use the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Problems connected to methamphetamine addiction are major concerns for
many big cities and small communities.
A lesser known problem of methamphetamine use is damage to the mouth.
Dentists have noticed that methamphetamine can have devastating effects on
the teeth of users. In fact, some dentists refer to these symptoms of
methamphetamine use as "meth mouth."
Meth Mouth
People with meth mouth have many cavities in their teeth or may actually
lose their teeth. Methamphetamine may cause these tooth problems because
the drug:
- causes dry mouth (lack of saliva). This leads to increased levels of
bacteria in the mouth that may cause tooth wear and cavities.
- causes users to crave high calorie drinks loaded with sugar.
- causes tooth grinding that may crack the teeth.
- reduces blood flow to the gums causing tissue disease.
- makes users neglect personal hygiene and forget about proper tooth
care (brushing and flossing).