- Allen
- AT&T
Foundation-education, health and human services, arts and culture.
- Carnegie Corporation of
New York- education, social change, science, technology.
- Charles A. Dana
Foundation-neuroscience and education.
- The Foundation Center
- Global Fund for
women's issues and concerns.
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute -
biomedical research
- International
Research and Exchanges Board- humanities, international opportunities.
- John Simon Guggenheim Memorial
Foundation- natural and social sciences, humanities, creative arts.
- MacArthur
Foundation- education, mental health, social change, community
- McKnight
- National
Institute of Health- grants and research information.
- National Science
Foundation Guide
- Pew Charitable Trusts
- Resource Guide
to Federal Funding For Technology in Education
- Sloan Foundation
- Social Venture Partners
- US Department of Education
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This Home Page is maintained by Eric H. Chudler.
Send questions and comments to: chudler@u.washington.edu