Invited Talks

Linking Submesoscale Frontal Dynamics to the Large Scale Background Environment, Theoretical and Practical Perspectives in GFD, Bengaluru India, May 2024

Measuring Ocean Mixing: from Observing Processes to Quantifying Impacts, American Acoustical Society Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, Dec. 2022

How small-scale density fronts are shaped by their environment throughout the global oceans, University of Washington, Seattle WA, Oct. 2022

Bridging scales in physical oceanography: from submesoscales to climate scales, Scripps, San Diego CA, Apr. 2022

An overview of internal wave-driven mixing: from processes to climate, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton NJ, Jan. 2022

Bridging Scales in Physical Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, Sep. 2021

Internal wave-driven mixing: governing processes and consequences for climate, WHOI, Woods Hole MA, Mar. 2021

Internal wave-driven mixing: governing processes and consequences for climate, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, Jan. 2021

Small scale turbulence and mixing with global impacts Duke University, Durham NC, June 2020

Internal Wave Driven Mixing in the Ocean: Governing Processes and Consequences for Climate Australian National University, Canberra Australia, Oct. 2019

Tiny physics with giant implications: internal wave driven mixing in the global ocean McGill University, Montreal Canada, Sept. 2018

Global Geography and Seasonality of Mixing from Internal Waves Ocean Mixing Gordon Research Conference, Andover NH, June 2018

Ocean Mixing from Space? NASA Coupled Ocean Surface Variables Workshop, WA, Mar. 2018

A Global View of Mixing from Oceanic Internal Waves Reed College, Portland OR, Oct. 2017

Illuminating Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ocean Mixing as Inferred from Argo Profiling Floats Physical Oceanography Dissertation Symposium, Honolulu Oct. 2016

Selected Talks

Global Geography and Governing Dynamics of Submesoscale Density Fronts, Ocean Sciences, New Orleans, Feb. 2024

Global Scale Variability of Submesoscale Frontal Dynamics, American Geophysical Meeting, Chicago, Dec. 2022

Internal wave-driven mixing: governing processes and consequences for climate, University of Washington, Seattle WA, Mar. 2021

Global geography of submesoscale density fronts, Ocean Sciences, San Diego CA Feb. 2020

How is the fate of wind-driven internal waves altered by an energetic mesoscale? WHOI, Woods Hole MA May 2018

Observations of Mixing from Wind-Driven Internal Waves in an Energetic Mesoscale BIRS Modeling Imbalance in the Atmosphere and Ocean, Banff Canada Feb. 2018

Large-Scale Impacts of the Mesoscale Environment on Mixing from Wind-Driven Internal Waves Ocean Sciences, Portland OR Feb. 2018

Ocean Internal Wave Driven Mixing from a Climate Perspective Program on Climate Change Spring Symposium, Seattle WA April 2017

Argo Profiling Float Inferred Internal-Wave Driven Mixing in an Energetic Mesoscale University of Washington, Seattle WA Nov. 2016

The Role of the Wind and Mesoscale Eddies in Internal Wave Driven Mixing at Midlatitudes Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans LA Feb. 2016

A Global Perspective on the Role of Wind and Mesoscale Eddies in Internal Wave Driven Mixing Applied Physics Laboratory, Seattle WA Aug. 2015

From density profiles to diapycnal mixing estimates: Applying a finescale strain parameterization to Argo profiles, Seminar} Oregon State University, Corvallis OR Feb. 2015

Using Argo Profiles to Infer Diapycnal Mixing in the Global Ocean WHOI, Woods Hole MA Nov. 2014

Inferring Diapycnal Mixing in the Global Ocean Using Argo Profiles University of Washington, Seattle WA Oct. 2014

Global Patterns in Small-Scale Turbulent Mixing Below the Ocean's Surface Scripps Student Symposium, San Diego CA Sep. 2014

Two Observational Perspectives on Eddies, Internal Waves, and Turbulent Diapycnal Mixing Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu HI Feb. 2014

A Global View of Small-Scale Turbulent Mixing Oregon State University, Corvallis OR July 2013

Patterns of Turbulent Mixing Gleaned from Argo Profiles International Meeting of Students in Physical Oceanography, San Diego, CA Sep. 2012

A Global View of Small-Scale Turbulent Mixing International Meeting of Students in Physical Oceanography, Ensenada Mexico Sept. 2011

Selected Posters

The Process Study at 16 N on November 17-19 2013 Air-Sea Interaction Research Initiative Meeting, Chennai India Dec. 2014

Spatial and Temporal Patterns of the Ocean's Turbulent Mixing from Argo Profiles Ocean Turbulence Meeting, Santa Fe NM June 2013

Spatial and Temporal Patterns of the Ocean's Turbulent Mixing from Argo Profiles AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA Dec. 2012

A Global View of Small-Scale Turbulent Mixing Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City UT Feb. 2012