Globalization Section: Additional
23 January 2003
Huntington, Samuel P. "The
Clash of Civilizations?" Foreign Affairs.
Summer 1993
13 February 2003
Brooks, Stephen G. "The Globalization of Production
and the Changing Benefits of Conquest." The Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Vol. 43, No. 5. October 1999.
20 February 2003
Pauly, Louis W. and Reich, Simon. "National Structures and
Multinational Corporate Behavior: Enduring the Differences in the Age
of Globalization" International
Organization, Vol. 51, No. 1. (Winter 1997), pp 1-30.
Cerny, Philip G., "Globalization and the Changing Logic
of Collective Action" International Organization, Vol. 49, No. 4, (Autumn
1995) pp. 595-625.