Tamerler Research Group



Candan Tamerler Behar 2v2

Welcome to Candan Tamerler

Molecular Bio-Nano-Technology and

Bioenabled Materials and Systems Laboratory




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1.         M. Hnilova, D. Yucesoy, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, “Mimicking Meolecular Recognition for Controlled Biological Functionalization of Surfaces”, Biomaterials Science – Processing, Properties and Applications III in Ceramic Eng. & Science Proceedings (Editor: R. Narayan, A. Bandyopadhyay and S. Bose) ACS-Wiley, 2013

2.         H. Yazici, H. Fong, B. Wilson, E.E. Oren, F. Amos, J.S. Evans, H. Zhang, ML. Snead, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, “Biological Response on Titanium Implant Surface Functionalized with modular peptides”, ACTA Biomaterilia, DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2012.11.004 (2012).

3.         M. Hnilova, X. Liu, E. Yuca, C. Jia, B. Wilson, A. Y. Karatas, F. Ohuchi, K. Kitamura, C. Tamerler, “Multifunctional protein enabled patterning on arrayed ferroelectric materials”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 4(4), 1865-1871 (2012).

4.         M. Gungormus, EE.Oren, JA. Horst, H. Fong, M. Hnilova, MJ. Somerman, R. Samudrala, ML Snead, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Cementomimetics – Constructing a cemetnum like biomineralized microlayer via amelogenin-derived peptides”, International Journal of Oral Science, 4(2):69-77 (2012) Cover.

5.         F.S. Utku, E. Yuca, E. Seckin, G. Goller, M. Sarýkaya, A.Y. Karataþ, M. Urgen, C. Tamerler, “The effect of surface topography on osteoblasts”,  TIPTEKNO 12 Bulletin, in press, 2012

6.         S. Cetinel, S. Dincer, A. Cebeci, EE. Oren, JD. Whitekar, D. Schwartz, N. Gul-Karaguler, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler “Peptides to Bridge Biological-Materials Interface”, Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiotechnology, 1(3) 143-153 (2012).

7.         M. Kahraman, E. Bicakci-Ordu, K. Yesiladali, N. Gul-Karaguler, C. Tamerler, “Improved Candida Methylica Formate Dehydrogenase Fermentation Through Statistical Optimization of Low Cost Culture Media” Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 42(6): 507-519 (2012)

8.         R.H. Sedlak, M. Hnilova, C. Grosh, H. Fong, F. Baneyx, D. Schwartz, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, B. Traxler. “Interactions of bacteria and heavy metals: An engineered E. coli silver binding protein promotes silver tolerance” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78(7), 2289-2296 (2012). Cover

9.         S. Donatan, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, M. Urgen, “Effect of Solid Surface Charge on the Binding Behaviour of a Metal Binding Peptide”, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9(75) 2688-2695 (2012).

10.       J.J. Kruzic, P.Y. Chen, N. Rahbar, C. Tamerler, “Editorial on the special issue-7th TMS Symposium on Biological Materials Science”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 7, 1-2 (2012).

11.       M. Hnilova, C.R. So, E.E. Oren, B.R. Wilson, T. Kacar, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Peptide-Directed Co-Assembly of Nanoprobes on Multimaterial Patterned Surfaces”, Soft Matter 8, 4327-4334 (2012). Cover (back)

12.       M. Hnilova, B. Karaca Taktak, J. Park, C. Jia, B. R. Wilson, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler “Fabrication f hierarchical hybrid structures using bio-enabled layer by layer self assembly”, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 109(5) 1120-1130 (2012)

13.       C.S. So, Y. Hayamizu, H. Yazici, C. Gresswell, D. Khatayevich, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Controlled self-assembly of engineered peptides on graphite by rational mutation”, ACS Nano, 6(2), 1648-1656 (2012). Cover

14.       O. Gunduz, Z Ahmad, E. Stride, C. Tamerler, M. EdirisingheBioinspired bubble design for particle generation” Journal of Royal Society of Interface, 9 (65), 389-395 (2012).

15.       M. Hnilova, D. Khatayevich, A. Carlson, E.E. Oren, C. Gresswell, S. Zheng, F. Ohuchi, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, “Single-step Fabrication of Patterned Gold Film Array by an Engineered Multi-functional Peptide”, Journal of Colloid And Interface Science, 365 (1) 97-102 (2012)

16.       J.S. Lee, T. Kuroha, M. Hnilova, D. Khatayevich, M.M. Kanaoka, J.M. McAbee, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, K.U. Torii, “Direct interaction of ligand-receptor pairs specifying stomatal patterning”, Genes and Development, 26, 126-136 (2012). Cover

17.       B. Eldag, K. Balcioglu, A.O. Bahadir, M. Serhatli, U.O.S. Seker, E. Akgun, A. Ozen, T. Kilic, C. Tamerler, K. Baysal, “Identification of novel neutralizing single chain antibodies against VEGEFR-2” Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 58(6), 412-422 (2011)

18.       U. O. S. Seker, G. Zengin, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, H. V. Demir, "Assembly Kinetics of Nanocrystals via Peptide Hybridization" Langmuir, 27(8), 4867-4872 (2011)

19.       E. Yuca, A.Y. Karatas, U.O.S. Seker, M. Gungormus, G. Dinler-Doganay, M. Sarikaya and C. Tamerler “In vitro labeling of hydroxyapatite minerals by an engineered protein”, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 108 (5), 1021-1030 (2011).

20.       H. V. Demir, U. O. S. Seker, G. Zengin, E. Mutlugun, E. Sari, C. Tamerler, and M. Sarikaya, "Spatially Selective Assembly of Quantum Dot Light Emitters in an LED Using Engineered Peptides," ACS Nano, 5(4), 2735-2741 (2011)

21.       E. Yuca, M. Hnilova, C. Jia, A.Y. Karatas, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, “Single step controlled protein pattering of GFP trough genetically fused metal binding activity” Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 22(1), S120-S120, 2011

22.       C. Tamerler, “Biology enabled nanotechnology: Biomolecular approaches in materials assembly and synthesis” Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 22(1), S30-S30, 2011

23.       F. Ozmen, E. Varisli, G. Kurt, A.Y. Karatas, C. Tamerler “Purification and characterization of heterologous laccase isolated from white-rot fungi Pycnoporus sanguineus in S. cerevisiae” Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 22(1), S84-S84, 2011

24.       G.G. Kurt, A.Y. Karatas, C. Tamerler, Cloning and heterologous expression of a novel fungal laccase, lcc2, in yeast Pichia pastoris, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 22(1), S85-S85, 2011.

25.       F.S. Utku, E. Yuca, E. Seckin, G. Goller, M. Sarýkaya, A.Y. Karataþ, M. Urgen, C. Tamerler, “Biomonitoring hydroxyapatite formation in composite nanotubes using heterofunctional GFP”,  TIPTEKNO 11 Bulletin, Paper # 74, 327-331, 2011

26.       R.A. Hall, E.G. Gachelet, M. Hnilova, L. Przybyla, D.M. Dranow, T. Gonen, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, B. Traxler, “An engineered DNA-binding protein self-assembles a metallic nanostructure” ChemBioChem, 11 (15) (2010). (2010).

27.       R. Notman, E.E. Oren, C. Tamerler, R. Samudrala, M. Sarikaya, T.R. Walsh, “Investigation of Quartz Binding Peptides Propensities via Solution Stuides Using Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics” Biomacromolecules, 11 (12), 3266-3274 (2010). (2010).

28.       A. Dezieck, O. Acton, K. Leong, E.E. Oren, H. Ma, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, A.K.Y. Jen, “Thresgold voltage control in organic thin film transistors with dielectric layer modified by a genetically engineered polypeptide”, Applied Physics Letters, 97(1), 0133307 (2010) Cover

29.       C. Tamerler, D. Khateyevich, M. Gungormus, T. Kacar, E.E. Oren, M. Hnilova, M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Biomimetics: GEPI Based Biological Routes to Nanotechnologies”, Biopolymer Peptide Science, 94 78-94 (2010)

30.       E.E. Oren, R. Notman, I.W. Kim, J.S. Evans, T.R. Walsh, R. Samudrala, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya,,”Probing Molecular Solid binding Mechanism of Peptides”, Langmuir, 26(13) 11003-11009 (2010).

31.       F.S. Utku, E. Seckin, G. Goller, C. Tamerler, M. Urgen, “Effect of titanium surface properties on electrochemically induced biomineralization”, IEEE Paper Identifier: 10.1109/BIYOMUT.2010.5479780, 1-6, 2010.

32.       T. Kacar, M. T. Zin, C. So, B. Wilson, H. Ma, N. Gul-Karaguler, A. K.Y. Jen, M. Sarikaya and Candan Tamerler, “Directed Self-Immobilization of Alkaline Phosphatase on Micro-patterned Substrates via Genetically-Fused Metal-Binding Peptide”, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 103, 696-705 (2009).

33.       M. Gungormus, M. Branco, H. Fong, J.P. Schneider, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Self assembled bi-functional peptide hydrogels with biomineralization directing peptides” Biomaterials, 31(28), 7266-7274 (2010).

34.       K. Leong, Y.C. Chen, D.J Masiello, M.T. Zin, M. Hnilova, H. Ma, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, D.S. Ginger, A.K.Y. Jen, “Cooperative Near-Field Surface Plasmon enhanced Quantum Dot Nanoarrays”, Advanced Functional Materials, 20(16), 2675-2682 (2010).

35.       D. Khatayevich, M. Gungormus, C. So, S. Cetinel, H. Ma, A. Jen, C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya, “Bio-functionalization of Materials for Implants Using Engineered Peptides”, ACTA BioMater, 6(12), 4634-4641 (2010).

36.       C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Genetically Designed Peptide-Based Molecular Materials”, ACS NANO, 3(7), 1606-1615, (2009).

37.       C.R. So., C. Tamerler, and M. Sarikaya, "Adsorption, Diffusion, and Self-Assembly of an Engineered Gold Binding peptide on Au(111) by atomic Force Microscopy", Angew Chem. Intl. Ed., 48 5174-5177, (2009) Cover

38.       E. Ucisik-Akkaya, E. Onur, K. Yesiladali, T. Ozturk, E. Ubay-Cokgor, D. Orhon, C. Tamerler, Z.P. Cakar, “ Enhanced Polyhydroxyalkanoate production by Paracoccus pantotropus”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 18 (11), 2013-2022 (2009)

39.       C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya, "Molecular Biomimetics: Nanotechnology and Molecular Medicine Utilizing Genetically Engineered Peptides", Philosphical Transactions-A, 367 1705-1726, (2009).

40.       U.Ö. Þ. Þeker, B. Wilson, D. Sahin, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Quantitative Affinity of Genetically Engineered Repeating Polypeptides to Inorganic Solids”, Biomacromolecules, 10 250-257, (2009).

41.       Z.P. Cakar, C. Alkim, B. Turanli, N. Tokman, S. Akman, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, L. Benbadis, J.M. Francois, "Isolation of cobalt hyper resistant mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by in vivo evolutionary engineering approach," Journal of Biotechnology, 143(2):130-8, 2009.

42.       C. R. So, J. L. Kulp, E. E. Oren, H. Zareie, C. Tamerler, J. S. Evans and M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Recognition and Supramolecular Self-Assembly of a Genetically Engineered Gold Binding Peptide on Au {111}”, ACS NANO, 3 1525-1531, (2009)

43.       T. Kacar, J. Ray, M. Gungormus, E. E. Oren, C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya, "Quartz Binding Peptides as Molecular Linkers towards Fabricating Multifunctional Micro-patterned Substrates", Advanced Materials, 21 295-299, (2009). Cover

44.       G. Zengin, U.O.S. Seker, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, and H.V. Demir, "Quantum dot emitters integrated with smart peptides," LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings of IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, Paper Identifier: 10.1109/LEOS.2009.5343454, 88-89, 2009

45.       U.O.S. Seker, T. Catal, Y. Taptik, C. Tamerler, H. Bermek, “Enhanced Production of manganese-peroxidase by the white rot fungus Bjerkandera adusta using media engineering”, Biotechnology and Biotechnological equipment, 22(3), 844-848, (2008).

46.       J. H. Wei, T. Kacar, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, and D.S. Ginger, “Nanopatterning peptides as bi-functional inks for templated assembly”, SMALL, 5, 689-693, (2009).

47.       S. Donatan, H. Yazici, H. Bermek, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, M. Urgen, ” A novel physical based leution method approach for the selection for the selection of mica binding peptides via phage display” Materials Science and Eng. C.: Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems, 29, 14-19, (2009).

48.       M. Hnilova, E.E.Oren, U.O.S. Seker, B. Wilson, S. Collino, J.S. Evans, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Effect of Conformations on the Adsorption Behaviour of Gold-Binding Peptides”, Langmuir, 24 (21) 12440-12445, (2008).

49.       E. Arslan, M.C. Igdil, H. Yazici, C. Tamerler, H. Bermek, L. Trabzon, “Mechanical properties and biocompatibility of plasma-nitrided laser-cut 316L cardiovascular stents”, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine, 19(5), 2079-2086, (2008)

50.       J.S. Evans, R. Samudrala, T.R. Walsh, E.E. Oren, C. Tamerler, “Molecular Design of Inorganic-Polypeptides”, MRS Bulletin, , 33 (5), 514-518, (2008)

51.       S. Dincer, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, E. Piskin, Photoresponsive peptide-azobenzene conjugates that specifically interact with platinum surfaces, Surface Science, 602 (10), 1752-1762, (2008)

52.       C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Biomimetics: Materials Synthesis, Assembly and Formation Using Peptides”, Guest Editors, MRS Bulletin, 33 (5), 504-510, (2008)

53.       M. Gungormus, H. Fong, I. W. Kim, J. S. Evans, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya “Regulation of In Vitro Calcium Phosphate Mineralization by Combinatorially Selected Hydroxyapatite-Binding Peptides”, Biomacromolecules, 9(3), 966-973, (2008)

54.       E. Yuca, A.Y. Karatas, M. Gungormus, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, “GFP based bifunctional proteins for real time monitoring of biomineralization” FEBS Journal, 275, 374-374, 2008.

55.       B. Fischer, L. Mao, M. Gungormus, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, H. Koser, “Ferro-microfluidic device for pathogen detection”, IEEE Nano/microEngineered and Molecular Systems, NEMS 2008, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1907-4, Paper Identifier: 10.1109/NEMS.2008.4484470, 907-910, 2008

56.       A. Sert, N. G. Karaguler, D. Sahin, E.E. Oren, M. Sarikaya and C. Tamerler. “Expression of a bi-functional peptide by using genetic engineering methods for bionanotechnologies” FEBS Journal, 275, 372-372, 2008.

57.       O. Doluca, E.B. Ordu, H.I. Kisakesen, R.B. Sessions, A.R. Clarke, C. Tamerler, N.G. Karaguler, “ Effects of cysteine/cystine engineering on thermal stability of formate dehydrogenase from Candida methylica”, FEBS Journal, 275, 398-398, 2008.

58.       G. Zengin, U.O.S. Seker, A. Koc, E. Mutlugun, O. Akyuz, E. Sari, M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, H.V. Demir, “Multi-material specific, targeted self-assembly of nanocrystal emitters using genetically engineered peptides on optoelectronic microchips”,  IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, Paper Identifier 10.1109/LEOS.2008.4688579, 241-243, 2008

59.       R. Samudrala, E.E. Oren, C. Cheng, J. Horst, B. Bernard, M. Gungormus, M. Hnilova, H. Fong, C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya. “Knowledge-based design of inorganic-binding peptides”, FNANO08 Conference Proceedings, 75-80, 2008.

60.       U.O.S. Seker, G. Zengin, E. Mutlugun, E. Sari, H.V. Demir, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Targeted Self assembly of nanoemitters using genetically engineered inorganic binding peptides”, FEB Journal 275 (Suppl 1) 97, 2008.

61.       E.E. Oren, C. Tamerler, D. Sahin, M. Hnilova, U.O.S. Seker, M. Sarikaya, R. Samudrala, “A novel informatics-based approach for the design of inorganic binding peptides” Bioinformatics, 23(21), 2816-2822, (2007)

62.       U.O.S. Seker, B. Wilson, S. Dincer, I.W. Kim, E.E. Oren, J.S. Evans, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “ Adsorption behavior of linear and cyclic genetically engineered platinum binding peptides” Langmuir, 23(15), 7895-7900, (2007)

63.       C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Biomimetics: Utilizing Nature's Molecular Ways in Practical Engineering,” Acta Biomaterialia, 3(3): 289-299, (2007).

64.       C. Tamerler, D. Sahin, T. Kacar, H. Fong and M. Sarikaya, “Genetically engineered polypeptides for inorganics: A utility in biological materials science and engineering”, Materials Science and Engineering-C-Biomimetic and supramolecular systems, 27 (3):558-564, (2007)

65.       N. Suzuki, L. Gamble, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, D.G. Castner, F.S. Ohuchi, “Adsorption of genetically engineered proteins studied by time-of-flight secondary ion spectrometry (TOFSIMS). Part A: Data acquisition and principla component analysis, Surface and Interface Analysis, 39(5), 419-426, (2007)

66.       M.T. Zin, A.M. Munro, M. Gungormus, N.Y. Wong, H. Ma, C. Tamerler, D.S. Ginger, M. Sarikaya, A.K.Y Jen, Peptide-mediated surface-immobilized quantum dot hybrid nanoassemblies with controlled photoluminescence, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 17(9), 866-872, (2007)

67.       G. Insel, G. Celikyilmaz, E. Ucisik-Akkaya, K. Yesiladali, Z.P. Cakar, C. Tamerler, D. Orhon, “Respirometric evaluation and nodelling of glucose utilization of E.coli under mesophilic cultivation conditions” Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 96(1), 94-105, (2007)

68.       B. Fischer, L. Mao, M. Gungormus, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, H. Koser, “Biomedical Engineered Ferrofluids”, MRS Proceeding, Paper #: 1032-I15-17, 2007.

69.       C. Tamerler, M. Duman, E.E. Oren, M. Gungormus, X. Xiong, T. Kacar, B.A. Parviz and M. Sarikaya, "Materials specificity and directed assembly of a gold-binding peptide", Small, 2, 1372-1378, (2006).

70.       C. Tamerler, E.E. Oren, M. Duman, E. Venkatasubramanian and M. Sarikaya, "Adsorption kinetics of an engineered gold binding peptide by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and a quartz crystal microbalance", Langmuir, 22, 7712-7718, (2006).

71.       O. Ince, M. Kolukirik, Z. Cetecioglu, O. Eyice, C. Tamerler, B. Kasapgil-Ince, ”Methanogenic and sulfate reducing bacterial population levels in a full scale anaerobic reactor treating pulp and paper industry wasterwater using fluoresence in situ hybridization, Water Science and Technology,55(10), 183-191, (2007).

72.       H.I. Boyaci, D. Bas, F.C. Dudak, A. Topcu, A. Saldamli, U.O.S. Seker, C. Tamerler, Statistical modelling of beta-galactosidase inhition during lactose hyrdolysis, Food Microbiology, 20, 1-13, (2006).

73.       S.K. Yesiladali, G. Pekin, H. Bermek, I.A. Alaton, D. Orhon, C. Tamerler, “Bioremediation of textile azo dyes by Trichophyton rubrum LSK-27”, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 22(10): 1027-1031, 2006.

74.       A. Akar, E.U. Çokgor, C. Tamerler, D. Orhon, Z.P. Çakar, “Accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoates by Microlunatus phosphovorus under various growth conditions”, Journal of Industrial Microbiology, 33, 3, 215-220, (2006).

75.       C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Biomimetics: Nanotechnology through Biology”, Proceedings of TASSA Annual Conference, 23-24, 2006

76.       X. Xiong, M. Gungormus, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, B. Parviz, "Electronic Control of Binding of Genetically Engineered Polypeptides to Microfabricated Structures", 19th IEEE Proceedings on MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS), pp. 358-361, January 22-26, 2006

77.       T. Aloglu, C. Tamerler, U. Sauer, Z.P. Cakar, “Evolutionary Engineering of Osmotolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae”, Journal of Biotechnology, 118, 9, 2005

78.       E.E Oren, C Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Metal recognition of septapeptides via polypod molecular architecture”, Nanoletters, 5 (3), 415-419, 2005.

79.       N. Kantarci, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, T. Haliloglu and P. Doruker, “Molecular Dynamics simulations on constraint metal binding peptides”, Polymer, 46 (12), 4307-4313, (2005)

80.       Z.P. Cakar, U.O.S. Seker, C. Tamerler, M. Sonderegger, U. Sauer, “Evolutionary Engineering of multiple-stress Saccharomyces cerevisiae”, FEMS Yeast Research, 5(6-7), 569-578, (2005)

81.       C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Protein Based Functional Systems for Nanobiotechnology Through Molecular Biology”, Advances in Molecular Medicine, International Journal of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Gene Technology, ISSN 1305-2314, 1(S):99-103, 2005

82.       M. Sarýkaya, C. Tamerler, D.T. Schwartz, F. Baneyx, “Materials Assembly and Formation Using Engineered Polypeptides”, Annual Review of Materials Research, 34, 373-408, (2004).

83.       H. Bermek, I. Gulseren, K. Li, H. Jung, C. Tamerler, “The effect of fungal morphology in ligninolytic enzyme production by a recently isolated wood-degrading fungus Tricophyton rubrum LSK-27”, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 20, 345-349, (2004).

84.       H. Bermek, H. Yazýcý, M.H. Ozturk, C. Tamerler, H. Jung, K. Li, K.M. Brown, H. Ding, F. Xu,  “Purification and characterization of a manganese peroxidases from wood-degrading fungus Trichophyton rubrum LSK-27”. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 35, 87-92, (2004).

85.       B. Kepenek, U.O.S. Seker, A.F. Cakýr, M. Urgen, C. Tamerler, “Photocatalalytic Bactericidal Effect of TiO2 Thin Film Produced by Cathodic Arc Deposition Method”, Key Engineering Materials, 254-256, 463-466, (2004)

86.       A. Akar, E.U. Akkaya, K. Yesiladali, , G. Celikyilmaz, E.U. Cokgor, D. Orhon, C. Tamerler, Z.P. Cakar. “Growth physiology and biochemical storage characteristics of Microlunatus phosphovorus, a model organism for activated sludge systems”, Environmental Biotechnology-ESEB 2004 Proceedings, (editor: W. Verstraete), ISBN 90 5809 653, p737-740, April 25-28, 2004

87.       C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Biomimetics: Building Materials the Nature`s Way, One Molecule At A Time”, NBBM Symposium Proceedings, 473-75, 2004

88.       M. Sarikaya, C. Tamerler, A.K.Y. Jen, D.T. Schwartz, B. Traxler, F. Baneyx, “Molecular biomimetics: genetically engineered polypeptides for inorganics and GEPI as molecular building blocks” (Invited Paper), Nanosensing: Materials And Devices Conference Proceedings of SPIE Vol. # 5593, 2004

89.       U.O.S. Seker, E.E. Oren, C. Selcuki, C. Tamerler, M. Sarýkaya, “Molecular Modelling of Engineered Noble Metal-Binding Polypeptides”, 15th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships & Molecular Modelling Proceedings, 521-524, 2004.

90.       B. Ismailoglu, U.O.S. Seker, C. Selcuki, C. Tamerler, M. Sarýkaya, “Conformational Behaviuor Analysis of Inorganic Surface Specific Polypeptides Selected Based on Molecular Biomimetic Approach”, 15th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships & Molecular Modelling Proceedings, 562-563, 2004.

91.       A. Akar, E.U. Akkaya, K. Yesiladali, G. Celikyilmaz, C. Tamerler, Z.P. Cakar, E.C. Ubay, D. Orhon, Growth physiology and biochemical storage characteristics of Microlunatus phosphovorus, a model organism for activated sludge systems European Symposium Proceedings on Environmental Biotechnology ESEB, 737-740, 2004

92.       M. Sarýkaya, C. Tamerler, A.K.Y. Jen, K. Schulten, F. Baneyx, “Molecular Biomimetics: nanotechnology through biology”, NATURE Materials, 2 (9), 577-585, (2003) Cover

93.       C. Tamerler, S. Dincer, D. Heidel, H. Zareie, M. Sarikaya,  “Biomimetic multifunctional molecula coatings using engineered proteins”, Progress in organic coatings, 47 (3-4), 267-274, (2003)

94.       E. Dulekgurgen, K. Yesiladali, S. Ovez, C. Tamerler, N. Artan, D. Orhon , “Conventional morphological and functional evaluation of the microbial populations in a sequencing batch reactor performing EBPR”, J. of  Environmental Science and Health, 38(8), 1499-1515, (2003).

95.       S. Kara, C. Tamerler, E. Arda, O. Pekcan, “Photon transmission study on swelling of k-carrageenan gels prepared in various concentrations”, International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules, 33 (4-5), 235-243, (2003).

96.       S. Kara, C. Tamerler, H. Bermek, O. Pekcan “Hysteresis during sol-gel and gel-sol phase transititons of k-carrageenan: A photon transmission study”, Journal of bioactive and compatible polymers, 18, 33-44, (2003).

97.       S. Kara, C. Tamerler, O. Pekcan, “Cation effects on swelling of k-carrageenan: A photon transmission study”, Biopolymers, 70, 240-251, (2003).

98.       S. Kara, C. Tamerler, H. Bermek, O. Pekcan “Cation effects on sol-gel and gel-sol phase transitions of k-carrageenan-water systems”, International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules, 31, 177-185, (2003).

99.       C. Tamerler, S. Dinçer, D. Heidel, N. Karaguler, M. Sarikaya, “Combinatorial Peptide Libraries for Selecting Inorganic-Binding Proteins: A Step in Molecular Biomimetics”, Material Research Society. Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 773, No.8.1.1, 2003

100.     C. Tamerler, K. Ulgen, Z.I. Onsan, B. Kýrdar, “ Structured Model for investigation of intracellular components  EcoRI Endonuclease From Escherichia coli”, Process Biochemistry, 36, 7, 621-627, (2001).

101.     C. Tamerler, Z.I. Onsan, B. Kýrdar, “ A Comparative Study on the Recovery of  EcoRI Endonuclease From Two Different Genetically Modified Strains of Escherichia coli”, Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 25, 1, 63-71, (2001).

102.     C. Tamerler, B. Ariyo, C. Bucke and T. Keshavarz, “Effect of mannan and alginate oligosaccharides on production in bioreactors of penicillin G and its biosynthetic intermediates”, Annals of Microbiology  51(1), 53-60, (2001).

103.     C. Tamerler, A. Martinez, and T. Keshavarz, “Production of lipolytic enzymes in batch cultures of Ophiostoma piceae” Journal Of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 76(9), 991-996, (2001).

104.     C. Tamerler and T. Keshavarz, “Lipolytic Enzyme Production in Batch and Fed-batch cultures of Ophiostoma piceae and Fusarium oxysporum”, Journal Of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 75, 785-790, (2000)

105.     E. George, C. Tamerler, A. Martinez, M.J. Martinez and T. Keshavarz, “Influence of growth medium composition on the lipolytic enzyme activity of Ophiostoma piliferum (Cartapip TM)” Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 74, 689-694,(1999)

106.     C. Tamerler, T. Keshavarz, “Optimization of agitation for production of swainsonine Metarhizium anisopliae in stirred tank and airlift reactors”, Biotechnology Letters, 21, 501-504, (1999)

107.     C. Tamerler, M. Petruccioli, F. Federici, C. Bucke, T. Keshavarz, “Enhancement of metabolic activities by elicitors in fungal cultures”, AIDIC Conference Series, Vol. 4, 1999, 395-404.

108.     C. Tamerler and T. Keshavarz, “Advances in Food Technology”, AIDIC Conference Series, Vol.4, 1999, 251-258.

109.     C. Tamerler, Z.I. Önsan, B. Kýrdar, “ Optimization of starting time and period of induction and inducer concentration in the production of  EcoRI Restriction Enzyme From E.coli 294 Strain”, Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 22, 221-226, (1998).

110.     B. Ariyo, C. Tamerler, C. Bucke and T. Keshavarz, “Enhanced Penicillin Production by Oligosaccharides From Batch Cultures of Penicillium chrysogenum in Stirred-Tank Reactors”, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 166, 165-170, (1998).

111.     C. Tamerler, M. Ullah, M.W. Adlard, T. Keshavarz, “Effect of pH on morphology and swainsonine production of Metarhizium anisopliae”, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 167, 17-23, (1998).

112.     C. Tamerler, M. W.Adlard, T. Keshavarz, “Production of swainsonine from Metarhizium anisopliae in stirred tank reactor and in airlift reactor”, Biotechnology Letters, 19, No. 9, 919-922, (1997).

113.     C. Tamerler, M.W.Adlard, T. Keshavarz, “Microbial overproduction of antitumor agent, swainsonine”, AIDIC Conference Series, Vol. 2, 1997, 373-381



1.         K. Yesiladali, Z.P. Cakar, C. Tamerler, “Fermentation Technologies; Bioreactors, and Downstream Processing” in Food Biotechnology (Editor: Necla Aran), Nobel Book Publishers Ltd., Ankara, Turkey, 2010.

2.         C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya, "Molecular Biomimetics: Linking peptides with inorganic structures" in Microbial Bionanotechnology: Biological self-assembly systems & biopolymer-based nanostructures, (Editor: B. Rehm), Chapter 8, pp: 191-221 (Horizon, London, 2006)

3.         M. Sarikaya and C. Tamerler, “Molecular Biomimetics: Building materials the nature’s way: one molecule at a time,” Chapter 5, 119-134, in Nanofabrication towards Biomedical Applications, (Editors: C. S. S. R. Kumar, J. Hormes, and C. Leuschner) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2005).

4.         M. Sarikaya and C. Tamerler, “Materials assembly using engineered polpeptides,” in Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-assembled Architectures and Devices,” (Editor: John Reif) (Science Technica Inc. Washington, DC, 2004).