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Risk Modeling
(B BUS 459)
Spring 2017



General Information

  • CONTACT INFORMATION: E-mail:; Phone: (425) 352-3209;
  • Office:Beardslee Building, room 245; Office hours: By appointment



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March 28,30 Lecture 1: Probability spaces. Conditional probabilities and Bayes' rule HW1 due April 6
April 4 Lecture 2: Random variables. Expected value, variance, moments --
April 6 Lecture 3: Continuous random variables HW2, due April 13
April 11 Lecture 4: Expected utility. Risk aversion and certainty equivalent --
April 13 Lecture 5: Insurance decisions --
April 18 Lecture 6: Static portfolio choice HW3 due April 25
April 20 Midterm review session --
April 25 MIDTERM --
April 27 Lecture 7: Markowitz portfolio selection theory --
May 2 NO CLASS --
May 4 Lecture 7: Markowitz portfolio selection theory-continued HW4, due May 11
May 9 Lecture 8: The Capital Asset Pricing Model --
May 11 Lecture 9: Empirical tests of CAPM. Systematic versus idiosyncratic risk --
May 16 Lecture 10: Efficient market hypothesis. Arbitrage pricing --
May 18 Lecture 11: Interest rates. Bond pricing. Forward rates HW5, due May 25
May 23 Lecture 12: Discounted cash flow model. Pricing stocks --
May 25 Lecture 13: Introduction to options. Put-call parity. Binomial model for pricing options --
May 30 Lecture 14: The Black-Scholes model HW6, due June 5
June 1 Final review session --