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Some current projects:

"The Role of Disagreement in Scientific Conservatism" with Davide Bavato, Charles Ayoubi, Marc Gruber, and NiCole Buchanan.  This project will study reviewer and editor agreement/disagreement for manuscripts submitted to ~1,723 Elsevier journals across fields in 2018-2021.  Protocol accepted by the Peer Review Workbench at Elsevier.

Paper on rubric use at NIH with Fan Xia, Kwun C. G. Chan, Sheridan Grant, Thomas Richardson, and Elena Erosheva (fully drafted).

"Empirical Socially Engaged Research on the Social Structure of Science" (drafting with Sandra D. Mitchell).

"A Procedural Framework for Certified Amplification" (drafting).

Some recent talks/workshops:

Speaker, Disparate Impacts of Algorithms for Evaluating Scientific Credibility in the Open Science Movement?  Philosophy of Science Association's Bi-Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (November 14-17, 2024).

Invited speaker, Changing the Social Structure of Science, Philosophy of Science: Past, Present, and Future, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (October 17-19, 2024).

Participant, Tasks and Generative IR Workshop, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA (September 27, 2024).

Keynote, "Retooling Peer Review," Workshop on Prefiguring Peer Review, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ (December 9, 2023).

Keynote, "Certified Amplification," Workshop on the Epistemology of Science Communication: New Directions, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (September 22-23, 2023).