Physics 114B

 Introduction to Mechanics

 Winter 2002

Instructor:   Aurel Bulgac
Class:               MTuThF,  2:30-3:20, PAB A102
Office:              PAB B478
Phone:             (206)685-2988
Office Hours:   TuTh 1:30-2:20 pm, PAB  Study Center AM018  and by appointment.

TA:                  Joel Allred
Office:              PAB B325
Phone:             (206)616-1505
Office Hours:   M 10:30-11:30 , Tu 11:30 am-12:30, W 3:00-5:00, Th 3:30-5:00, F 11:30-1:30
                         PAB  Study Center AM018

Course web page:


Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall.

You might find the following link of interest and helpful:

Homework assigment:

You must have a computer account for email and work. Your homework will be
done on the web using a system called Tycho, developed at the University of
Illinois.  Thus system is still under developemt and so far it has been greatly
appreciated by the students using it. There are essentially two things we will use:
homework  and  gradebook.

In the homework portion, every week several problems will be posted for you to
solve. As you will discover immediately, there are two types of problems:
a) Standard Homework Problems have a numerical answer. You will get
immediate feedback as to whether the answer supplied is correct or not. In many
problems, you can ask for pre-programmed help. Full credit is given (if done
before the deadline) for the correct answer, independent of how many submissions
were needed to obtain it. b) Interactive Examples are often somewhat more
difficult problems (level 2 or 3 of Giancoli's text). Help in these problems usually
comes in the form of more questions. The hope of the writers is that solution of
these problems will lead to better conceptual understanding rather than just
equation manipulation.

In addition I shall assign a number of problems from the end of each chapter in
the textbook, see the syllabus below. These additional problems will not be graded
however. Each week I shall provide solutions to the end of the chapter problems
assigned as well as to the rest of the problems in the corresponding section.  The
solutions would be accessible as links in the syllabus. Many students in the past
have found these solutions extremely helpful in gaining a deeper understanding
of the material presented in class and in the textbook.

Click on the link
to login into the Tycho sytem and do your graded homework. Follow the
instructions on the login page. Your homework, exam and final grades will be
posted using the Tycho system as well. The sudent database is updated daily
during the first week of the quarter daily and every two days during the second
week. If you experience difficulties login into the Tycho system please write to
Deborah Mercer

Some items of interest will be put on the web in pdf format. This requires your
browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer) to have an Adobe Acrobat Reader plugin.


THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUPS.  If for some reason you miss one of the midterms,
the one you missed will be your low grade.  Please arrange your
vacation schedule so you take the final exam at the proper time.

There will be three one-hour mid term exams and one final exam. Each hourly
exam (from 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm sharp) will consist of multiple-choice questions
and these will be machine graded. No partial credit will be given. The exams are
closed book, but you will be permitted to have one  8 1/2" x 11" sheet of notes to
aid you, no xerox copies or any other copies of any kind. In addition you will only
be allowed to have a calculator, an eraser,  a #2 pencil and a pen. Scratch paper
will be provided.  Do not forget to bring a bubble sheet (Standard Answer Sheet).
You can get them at the Hub, By George and other places around the campus.

The final exam will be over all the material covered during the quarter. The
problems on the exams will be very similar to the homework or end of the chapter


Grading will be done on a curve with the class average being about 2.7. This will
vary depending on the performance of the class as a whole. Approximately 5-10 %
of the class will receive 4.0, and 0.7 will be the lowest passing grade.

Homework will count for 10 % of the grade. Each hourly exam will also count for
22.5 % of the grade, while the final two-hour exam will count for 45 % of the grade.
Thus the final exam score will be treated as two exams.Your score on each exam will
be normalized so that each exam, regardless of the number of questions or the
difficulty of the exam, will count the same. This score will be converted to an exam
grade point (2.3, 3.2, etc.). At the end of the quarter, your lowest exam grade will be
dropped and your course grade will be the average of the remaining three exam
grades and the homework grade.

The instructor reserves the right to modify this grading procedure in any way as long
as no student receives a course grade lower than one calculated by the method
described above.

Partial Credit?

General remarks

This physics course provides the basis for all applications of physics, and future physics,
biophysics, and chemical physics courses or topics you may have to or be willing to explore.
Please feel free to ask questions in class, to ask for a revision of some material "in different
words", and to use the office hours for a "smaller group" discussion of particular topics. It
is very important that you keep up your reading and advance through the homework
problems as the course progresses. It is almost impossible to get a good grade without
working a fair number of homework problems.

The Physics Department runs a Study Center where assistance with course work is available
for many hours Monday through Friday. There are a number of computers in this room as
well where you can access the  internet. The Study Center is located in this building,
downstairs from the Foucault pendulum. In the Study Center there are tables assigned to
different courses. Depending on the time of the day, there may be one, two, or three Teaching
Assistants working through the tables answering  questions. At some times there will be
additional faculty assistance. Sign your name to the list on the wall when you want individual
assistance, and as soon as a TA is available she/he will call your name. Some
students have found useful to form "groups" who work homeworks together.

                                              Tentative Syllabus
Dates Topics Chapter-Section Homework Assignment 
not graded, solutions as links
(chapter #.problem #)
January 7-11 Kinematics         Ch. 1, 2 1.3,  1.21, 2.2, 2.8, 2.9, 2.12, 2.14, 2.19, 2.20, 2.23, 2.24, 2.27, 2.29, 2.30, 2.41
January 14-18 Kinematics         Ch. 2, 3  3.1,  3.2,  3.8, 3.10,  3.11,  3.12,  3.20,  3.21, 3.26, 3.32, 3.45, 3.36,   3.51, 3.66
January 21 Holiday Martin Luther King Day
January 22-25 Dynamics          Ch.  4 4.4,  4.5,  4.6,  4.12,  4.18,  4.21, 4.23,  4.24  4.28,  4.30,  4.31,  4.32,  4.37
January 28-31 Dynamics         Ch.  4 4.44, 4.45, 4.47, 4.49, 4.52, 4.56, 4.69, 4.72, 4.74, 4.77, 4.78, 4. 79, 4.80, 4.81 
February 1, Friday         Exam # 1 Chapters 1-3 

 Average   -    5.98
 St. Dev.    -    1.79

NB Six students did not mark their exam version and I have arbitrarily asigned Version A in order to grade their exam. 

February 4-8 Circular motion and Gravitation       Ch.  5 5.7, 5.8, 5.11, 5.12, 5.17, 5.18, 5.19, 5.30, 5.35, 5.41, 5.43, 5.44, 5.45, 5.53
February 11-14  Work and Energy         Ch.  6 6.1, 6.4, 6.5, 6.7, 6.8, 6.10, 6.13, 6.20, 6.21, 6.22, 6.23, 6.24, 6.25, 6.27, 6.30, 6.31, 6.32, 6.33
February 15, Friday        Exam # 2  Chapters 4-5

 Average - 5.14
 St. Dev.  - 2.13

February 18   Holiday Presidents Day
February 19-22 Energy conservation         Ch.  6 6.36, 6.37, 6.39, 6.40, 6.43, 6.47, 6.49, 6.51, 6.53, 6.54, 6.58, 6.68, 6.69, 6.84
February 25-March 1 Momentum        Ch.  7 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.7, 7.11, 7.16, 7.21, 7.23, 7.25, 7.32, 7.33, 7.57, 7.62, 7.74
March 4,5, 8 Rotational Motion        Ch.  8 8.11, 8.15, 8.16, 8.19, 8.24, 8.26, 8.31, 8.33, 8.36, 8.40, 8.41, 8.42, 8.62, 8.74 
March 7, Thursday         Exam # 3  Chapters 6-7

   Average - 5.43
   St. Dev.  - 1.79



March 11-15 Rotational motion and tentatively        Ch.    8
  Equilibrium or Vibrations         Ch. 9 or Ch.  11
Tuesday, March 19
          2:30 - 4:20 pm
       Final Exam   Chapters 1 - 8

   Average - 8.62 
   St. DEv. - 2.45