Download FLOSS files

  1. Executable files
  2. Sample input and output files
  3. R script for graphing
  4. FLOSS and COV source code
  5. FLOSS version notes

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Executable files

The floss.jar and cov.jar files can be executed with a java interpreter (version 1.4 or later) using the "-jar" option.

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Sample input and output files

The following sample files show the input and output files used to run an ordered subset analysis using MERLIN, COV, and FLOSS.

Download all input and output sample files as a .zip file.

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R Script for graphing ".plt" file linkage scores

The plot.r script will graph the linkage scores in the plotting (.plt) files generated with FLOSS version 1.4.1 or later. Documentation for plot.r is included in a comment at the top of the R script.

R is a free statistical software package available from

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FLOSS and COV source code

Download source code for FLOSS and COV as a zip file

After extracting the *.java and *.mf files from the zip file to a folder named "floss", switch to the "floss" folder, and compile the COV and FLOSS executables with the commands

javac -source 1.4 *.java
cd ..
jar -cvfm floss/cov.jar floss/ floss/*.class
jar -cvfm floss/floss.jar floss/ floss/*.class

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Version Notes

The version notes describes improvements that have been added to FLOSS since its public release.

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