Principal Investigator

Bonnie J Becker
Professional larval shellfish tracker
Passionate, authentic educator
Collaborative, student-focused administrator
To learn more about me and my background, check out my LinkedIn page.
Follow me on Twitter (@pisastero).
Lab Technicians
Ashley Benson
B.S. in Biomedical Sciences, minor in Criminal Justice, 2020
I am a University of Washington Tacoma Alumni with a degree in Biomedical Sciences. I joined the Becker Lab my senior year at UWT as an undergraduate researcher, then upon graduation I started working as one of the Bonnie’s Lab Techs. Being a part of the Becker Lab has allowed me to explore my love for marine biology and discover my passion for the field work side of science. Since joining the lab, I’ve been able to be a part of the Olympic Oyster restoration project in partnership with Harbor WildWatch, and contribute to the larval Dungeness Crab research project in collaboration with PCRG. In addition to working for the Becker Lab, I also work fulltime as a Research Associate at Sana Biotechnology. At Sana, my focus is in T Cell Therapeutics working towards engineering cells for cancer treatment. When I’m not working at either job, I like to spend my free time outside with my two dogs, going paddle boarding, or making ceramics.
Connect with me on LinkedIn.
Francesca Marvin
B.A. in Environmental Sustainability, 2019
I am a University of Washington Alumni, graduating in 2019 with my Bachelors in Environmental Sustainability, heavily focused on lab and field courses. I have always been connected to the natural world growing up camping, hiking and gardening. But I think my love for the ocean came from going out crabbing, fishing and boat trips to the San Juans, experiencing orcas rub against our boat. After my first environmental course I knew I wanted to dedicate my life to healing and protecting our sacred lands, waters and all that resides in them. Before starting my work with the Becker Lab I worked as a Marine Biologist for Highline’s Marine Science and Technology Center. Before that, as an undergraduate I conducted research on the aquaculture of jellyfish. Since joining the Becker Lab I have aided in research with our partners Harbor Wildwatch on Olympic Oyster restoration and PCRG on larval Dungeness Crab research. Through these projects I have found a deep calling and fulfillment for working in marine research and plan to get my research masters in it as my next step! In my free time, I love scuba diving in the Puget Sound. I am a certified SSI Dive Master and run a PNW women’s diving group.